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 New Galactic 1:1 Divine Healings ~ a ‘Catalyst’ Divine Healing of Spirit and Soul


These amazing 1:1 Divine Healings have been a ‘catalyst’ for souls, who have ‘tried everything else’ or ‘done all they can’ or ‘no-one else seems to be able to help or assist me further’.


They cover all layers and levels from Spirit to Soul, Mental, Emotional and the Physical!


They are unique and ‘one of a kind on the planet’ Divine Healings, that are on offer and available to you, who resonates to, for and with this.


The Divine Healing commences from when the ‘booking’ is made, up to the day of the 1:1 Divine Healing (and further on).


With 1hr 8D healing in Spirit on astrals/multi-dimensions then 1hr via skype/fb messenger. Where I will contact you 1hr beforehand when the 8D healing commences and will share what I am ‘seeing’ and what is being ‘healed’ and so much more that ‘comes through’.


Then we ‘meet’ for a 1hr ‘real’ one-on-one healing where all transpires from the Divine and your Higher Self as a clear conduit of the Divine...with 23years of guidance, tools and methods as an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer for and with humanity - to help YOU to help yourself in what you resonate to of the Divine -


The ‘unseen’ will be seen, felt into and ‘translated’ back to you in the Human of 6/7D - for you to connect with your Spirit/Higher Self - to understand the ‘whole picture’ for yourself again - of the Divine within YOU.


A mirror of the Divine...a future version of yourself through my human vessel linked directly to the Divine in Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty - transmuting through 6/7D embodiment.


As when a soul is ‘ready’ the way is provided and all flows ‘beautifully and effortlessly’.


Due to the amount of energy that does ‘go into’ these amazing healings, that commence from the date ‘booked’ until the actual day/night of the healing and then further onwards for 3 days and nights and there on...there is only one booking available per day.

The ‘exchange’ for this is AU$ 590-US$464


**ADDITIONALLY the Divine has now guided that I AM ‘able’ to now offer a 55minute 1:1 via skype/fb msngr.


The exchange for this is AU$350-US$275


Many ask ‘what does this cover’, this covers ALL for yourself at ‘this time’ of what your Soul and Spirit is needing you to ‘know’ of the Divine and your Higher Self again for you at this time for your Soul/Spirits Divine Journey.


That is personalised face-to-face.


As we ‘lighten this up’ and laugh and have ‘fun along the way’ of this ‘real’ major life-changing/catalyst Divine Healing.


If you are ‘ready’ and resonate to this for yourself as remember, when those souls ‘are ready’ all flows easily and effortlessly - then please email me at:


As you will be replied to within 24/48hours.


Much love and Divine blessings to you



Here’s what others have to say:

‘Wow almost a week since our healing connection! I notice so much improvement!!


* I have a More powerful connection with the Divine

* My releasing density/anxiety goes more quickly, easily= less emotionally painful

* My bouts of grief and pain are over!

* I am sleeping more deeply

* I feel my body recovering from the total exhaustion I was feeling

* I find your exercises so helpful..and now have the physical energy to work on my recently discovered empath abilities. I am so grateful for your support’


‘Blue Angel She speaks with the divine alignment to source energy love and compassion for all life and shares all knowledge that is being given to uplift and guide us each in our own way! She is a most beautiful light in this multiverse. Thank you for feeling and dancing through this amazing journey with me. I am truly blessed I am’


'Being able to sit in front of Christ consciousness embodied and pure unconditional love is something that one does not come just across with anyone'


'There is no hierarchy in spirituality, however, being able to work with an ascended master embodied in human form is an otherworldly experience'


'Anastacia, everything you said was spot on and has helped me to move forward through major blocks. You were so generous with your time and energy. And after our session I had my first full nights sleep in I don't know how long’


'For anyone who is energetically stuck I cannot recommended Anastacia highly enough'


'Anastacia you have an incredible connection and I am so very grateful you were able to help me in such a big way. Thank you with all my heart’


'Thank you I will never be able to thank you enough really if I said it a million times it would still not be enough even those words in no way seem enough it is and will be accelerating for us all now and I must tell you please reach out to this wonderful and beautiful soul even if she has or hasn't been through what you are going through as I am sure she would say it is the same yet different for us all, she will be your pillar, she will hold your hand or just stand beside you when you need it the most because ascension can be really intense, if you need help she will heal and guide you but also if you need to figure it out for yourself she will let you know that too and cheer and prod you on the way through I found Anastacia when this all began for me and she has been there the whole way through truly you are a blessing in my life and I shower you with gratitude and blessings forever’


Anastacia Kompos

6/7D Embodiment~Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer

Australian Correspondent in5d

Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available.


Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6/7D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both - of the Divine - through human embodiment of being in 6D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2018. Copyright ©








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