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Astral/Multi-Dimensional/Multi-Verse Soul Connections/Akashic Healings

*For those souls that are ready for this Information* Blue Beyond - Astral/Multi-Dimensional/Multi-Verse Soul Connections/Akashic Healings - 13th April 2015

Around the time of the blood moon and in between the two moons recently...when I went in to do clearings on the astrals and multi-dimensions...I noticed that the energy has expanded and we now have access to the Multi-Verses.

I have not mentioned anything as so much has changed for me since I stepped into 6D energy but this is something that has happened and am sure there are posts about this happening energetically somewhere.

Anyway, what has come with this is Ancient energies all of the universes' (the Multi-Verse) energies...of souls contracts and soul in resolving and healing Akashic memories/records.

And as this is so deep and beyond...what is happening is there can be confusion as to 'what is mine and what is theirs' the best way I can describe it.

THE HUMAN....IS A DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE TO THAT OF ABOVE What has come that in the human form, the feelings that come with a close soul connection with another soul to be healed....are very hard to differentiate as to what is yours and what is the other persons to look at.

(As recently we also came into our own energy our energies are no longer linked to the grid as they were in the past (previous BB post).

FEELING INTO WHAT IS YOURS TO LOOK AT AND HEAL And it takes from feeling what is yours that resonates or is not sitting well with your soul....and then going in and healing what that is from your past/s...and there can be much to this.

And when one has done then to come from 'up and back' and raise ones energy up and out of the emotional and feel/see/tune into what is going on in the astrals and beyond....with this other soul that you have a soul contract/connection with.

As there will be definitely something going on up there.

I know this as I have just experienced this for my soul.

MY RECENT EXPERIENCE As it took me two days and nights to feel into this and what is was for my soul with another that I am very close so many past memories and feelings order for me to release and heal and ultimately to take my power back in this situation and much more that I experienced.

Which THEN allows the other soul to take their power back (if they so choose) as well.

As remember, all I share is from personal experience wink emoticon.

As having a human experience with ascension is different to what is written, as to what it is spiritually.

And much of what we are going through now is new to humanity...and the universe/s.

So I am sharing this here as it does relate to the previous BB post of the Spiritual bullying very is the next part of that post, a this is happening right here and now.

And as always, if I go through this (as a wayseeer/trailblazer in linking our emotions to our soul/spirit)....then this is for humanity.

And I am sharing this, so that those souls that may be experiencing this will resonate if their soul is at that space...and may it give them insight for their souls journey.

And also for those in the future that may come to this on their spiritual journey and ascension.

As there are so many new and unique experiences happening now as so much has changed.

Stay true to your souls journey as it is very much time we look after ourselves and our souls survival first.

Remember to always look after you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


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