Holy Shift!
Ascending Masters Gathering Energy UPdate Anastacia-Blue Beyond Guide - Holy Shift! - 23rd May 2018 - Part 18
This is a layered update, that I started writing some notes and then expanded and then expanded even more, layer after layer = multidimensionally as all of our facets are vibrating
A day in a night with a difference as Beyond is occurring with the collective energies in the astrals/spirit - as the energy in the astrals was so over the top in the last 12-24hrs
Please remember this is to do with NOT ONLY YOU
Wanting to escape from the inside out yet unable to:
As we are stronger within now, yet we do feel this ‘feeling’ and as we grow more and more, we learnt to feel it and acknowledge it and then let it go
Completely starting over again yet again as we are now taking steps in our new frontier:
This is the back to basics on all layers and levels, of food, water, moving around, bringing our energy back in, boundaries, protection = multidimensionally
Yet it is like completely losing all firstly, all connections, contacts, finances - ALL
Yet this will be momentarily or temporarily as there is a re-set occurring
As this is collectively yet individually within this
And remember this is not just about you, this is for and with humanity!! I say this again as this is something I am saying over and over to remind people as when we are going through so much one can get or feel very ‘lost’ within so many changes - so one can go oh, okay, this IS bigger than just me and what I am feeling and to take a big breath and just LET GO or HAND OVER and SURRENDER to the Divine
We need to shift out of the ‘are we there yet’ if we are feeling or doing this within - this is MAJOR
So this may be confusing for some who want to move ahead yet we are being shown closed door after closed door - again at the moment, right now - dont allow the ‘head’ to pressure ourselves that we need to do this, this and this...honestly, there is just so much to letting go - and now the Dragons have come in and are humming and bringing their energy in and through this update - as in a good way I say all is a mess energetically right now
As ALL of our facets are vibrating! So its a very ‘good mess’
GRIEVING without realising...
We are also grieving others in spirit as well...where we may not feel this consciously in the human - yet I was given this message very clearly from the Divine just before I started writing this...as this is more in Spirit this is occurring and as this is very new, will share more soon if guided...
In the last 24hours I have had contact ‘all at once’ from/with past and present ‘family’ over the entire day, which has NEVER happened before
All those with a close heart connection, whether I have spoken to them or not for a while, some sort of contact was made...this is very significant of the collective energies and healing of these with all else I have been sharing!
As what we are adjusting to is, that we are not in the same space we were from ‘times past’ - yes we are still us, however in growth of what we have gone and come through
And each soul is at where they are now, and some will have made changes and some are still where they are at, yet at this point in time are covering or not being true to themselves as there is no judgement with this, only that we can see and feel this as being more transparent now!
So when we have multifacets of our lives that have ALL changed then we are needing to change and adjust to ALL as well within ourselves!
This is, will and does ‘take a little time’ as we are still re feeling the old, yet adjusting to the new not only with ourselves ADD to that, with others as well!!
And as we go along bit by bit, with us adjusting, shifting and growing all the time then each interaction with each soul can be different each and every time!
And if we are in the Center of ourselves and we allow our ‘heads’ to give ourselves a ‘hard time’ then we have no PEACE as this does come from WITHIN - with all we are going through and experiencing
Now is not the time to continue to push and give ourselves a hard time, now is the time to coach ourselves through these and ALL energies...
What are you saying to your-self, your private and inner inner ‘thoughts’, the ones we don’t reveal to anyone?
Are you being kind and gentle, loving and nurturing or is one hiding their inner inner voice from even themselves....
As always I am right here with you
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer You are Masters - You are Ascending - And we are Gathering Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available
Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 9D to our Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity as a Rainbow Bride for and with ALL of humanity
Gratitude to Steven Hogg for the ‘Spiritual Energy Art’

ADDENDUM: *I am lovingly gifting this energy update as this is a vital time for humanity with these unique insights and guidance of the DIVINE - that comes through firstly of both Spirit and Soul in 6-7D Human Embodiment and 9D in Spirit as a template, Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer and WaySeer firstly for humanity...
As we are now taking new steps forward in our New Frontiers-New Earth - many changes are taking place - from June 1st, to receive these unique energy updates by email to you personally this will be by way of a monthly contribution that I have needed to do, to continue to share all I AM, as guided
Further enquiries as to this exchange/contribution can be done so to: theoraclespeaks@bigpond.com - much Divine love and Blessings -Anastacia - Blue Beyond Guide