Past and future all crashing into the middle - with us in the middle = an explosion and a BREAKING

Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Update
Anastacia-Blue Beyond Guide - THE ‘EVENT’ FOR HUMANITY IS HERE AND HAS COME THROUGH ON JUNE 1ST! - 1st June 2018
This is a brand new and fresh start for humanity - as this is a collective, global event for all of humanity!!!
The Divine has let me know very clearly in the human and in spirit at the turning point of midnight into the 1st of June - THIS IS THE EVENT! Bam, it just came and hit me with an absolute knowing - that when this happens, it is time to share this...
I am a person that always says with future information of what many write and say is coming with that of ~ I will wait and see ~ as what is shared can be VERY DIFFERENT to what this means or transpires in the Human!......................
Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Update
Anastacia-Blue Beyond Guide- Adults emotionally at the ‘teenager’ stage/Guiding/New Event Energies - 2nd June 2018
Apart from many now feeling and going through what has been shared in past updates, as we have turned the corner into Zero Point Unity Energies on June 1st, I will be sharing more on this soon
For now though I would like to share more about where many adults are currently ‘at’
ADULTS EMOTIONALLY AT THE ‘’TEENAGER’ STAGE EMOTIONALLY - Many adults now at the ‘teenager’ stage emotionally - while spiritual in the human as in years and years of experience and information they have to share, yet when it comes down to it, emotionally they are like a ‘teenager’ of being:
Rebellious - yet more masked or hidden as one learns to do this in subtle ways as an adult
The reason I am sharing this, is as previously shared in what I call the ‘Joey method’ - this information allows us to understand with others close to us and that we can then take a step back and guide and step out of others’ energy realising there is no labelling, no judgement and full acceptance of what others are going through and where they are ‘at’ emotionally - as this is quite huge and a very big shit and awakening of/with those around us
What else are we going through?
In removing from ALL energies there is like a tidy up or a clean up of older energies that one needs to in to continue to stop and feel what is ‘going on’ and then if this does not fit or resonate to how one is feeling within, yet they are still feeling unsettling energies - know this is the continuing to clear old energy ‘line’s from and with others, to not ‘carry’ these into the new ‘unknown’ clear path before us......................
Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Update
Anastacia-Blue Beyond Guide - CHOOSING/CREATING A NEW FUTURE! - 3rd June 2018
With so much going on for each soul during the ‘turning point’ of energies into Zero Point Unity Energies collectively that came with 31st May/June 1st, many are still clearing energies of old connections - even with the old within themselves!
This is a settling in of energies with June right now with our forward trajectory of 21/22 June and onwards....
Heart chakras (and all) are going through a healing and upgrade and we can assist ourselves with this.......................
Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Update
MINI CRISIS - Negative Energies floating around - Transition - Living Multi-dimensionally -
We are going through a flux and change of energies...of the collective energies...that we are part of...
This came through yesterday afternoon and I was taken out for hours as there is so much astral activity going on
Many dreams as well linked with past lives, clearing and healing so much that is unable to be brought through into the human
We need to get back to basics and back to ourselves...
We can be feeling at a bit of a standstill...
There is so much negative energy floating around, like where do we go from here...what do we do now - is this all me?.......................
Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Updates
Anastacia-Blue Beyond Guide - BOTTOM LINE TIME WITH OUR WORDS/Clearing out our old Akashic as we re-write/create the NEW-Major UPgrades - 5th June 2018
When it comes to our heart of hearts and our heart spaces...that sacred space that is linked with only YOU and the DIVINE/SOURCE/SPIRIT!!
I cannot stress this enough right now as I have some very close to me, Spiritual souls who their words are their FINAL block to being released from their minds!!
This is even those who are very awake, it is the final subtle shift that is very needed and so necessary!
As we move into New Earth Energies and we clear out the old akashic as this is collectively as well...
To consciously monitor ALL OUR WORDS, ALL OF WHAT WE SAY and not be flippant of what words we use is so VITAL right now!........................
Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Update
Anastacia-Blue Beyond Guide - Past and future all crashing into the middle - with us in the middle = an explosion and a BREAKING OF THE OLD SELF - 5th June 2018
Of reaching ‘rock bottom’
Going through and coming out and through the other side of ‘Insanity’ - and this can be more than one wave in doing so...
It depends on the age of the person and what they have experienced in the past...
As we smash all our old Akashic Records...
And to do so takes a BREAKING OF ALL CORDS AND CONNECTIONS WITH OTHERS = every single soul!......................
These are partial updates. Please read the following if you wish to receive these in full by email for a monthly contribution:
We are now taking new steps forward in our New Frontiers/New Earth Energies and we are shifting into Zero Unity Field Energies...many changes are taking place...from June 1st, to receive unique energy updates by email to you personally this will be by way of a monthly contribution that I have needed to do, to continue to share all I AM
Further enquiries as to this exchange/contribution can be done so to:
Here is what those who are contributing to receive these personally have to say:
“I feel honoured to be a part of your Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Updates and I feel that it is a part of my journey to continue to receive them as I continue to grow into my Mastership. I feel that the updates assist me in feeling sane, as well as assisting me to interpret my experiences, aha moments, understanding and integrating Universal energies, to be more understanding and compassionate towards others and their unique individual journeys, also understanding my own purpose and journey and to assist me in standing in my own power with more authenticity. I almost forgot to mention the healing received through every update. I look forward to continuing with the updates and I am so extremely grateful to you and all you are & share with us. Infinite love and blessings”
“Bless you and thank you so so much, this update has given me more comfort and healing than I can put into words. Sending you so much love and hugs of appreciation for unconditionally loving and holding us thru thick and thin”
“Oh God my friend, these words you have brought through, are so relevant to what I'm feeling today. So deep and emotional in my human self... very shattering, yes”
I know there is often a LOT of information that I share that afterwards many let me know how they put some together to now form where they are it’s such a blessing to have that Guidance ahead of ‘time’ as I did not have this, what I am sharing and providing for you all...and thats okay, as I am no longer there lol...I am right here with you!
Great and Big Changes are coming and have already started!
You are Masters - You are Ascending - And we are Gathering
As always I am right here with you
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos
Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer
You are Masters - You are Ascending - And we are Gathering
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available
Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 9D to our Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity as a Rainbow Bride for and with ALL of humanity - as a 5D Ascended Earth Master