I write many various ‘types’ of energy updates...and this is yet another...of you reading and feeling into this yourself, for what this means to you....there is no explaining here...this is for you, to allow you an opportunity to feel the resonance within your Soul and Spirit - of what this multidimensional insight ‘means’ for you, from within the VOID, the space I am coming from to share and bring this through to you ALL... as we do so, this then flows out to ALL of humanity...
Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Update
Anastacia-Blue Beyond - COMING FROM WITHIN THE VOID - Part 24 - 29th May 2018
BEing 100% present in a multidimensional ‘way’ - of sharing this energy update of coming from within the VOID energy space we’ve shifted into...that came through in the last 12hours
Of moment by moment - facet by facet
Of not being ‘fooled’ by the dark/negative energies
We ALL have to take notice!
Coming through the Ring-of-Pass-Not
In a VOID of a Spiritual Initiation - of testing us in a sense...
Dealing with, shifting and healing a ‘Dark Goddess’ energy
The Pendulum is swinging - old to new back and forth
Until we ARE DONE with this...and we choose or reach a space of a limit of our endurance Beyond what we have felt before as there was huge dark energy astral attack last night
Shifting from the head and words, to feeling from within - words along the lines of:
‘OMG I cant believe I did that’
As these words, take away from feeling - different to when that is said and felt internally....there is a difference as the internal is quiet to oneself, the other is like a “OMG I just cant believe I did that!”
Scattered and shattered to all the ends of the earth
Watch for false Spiritual information that LURES with falsely of ‘ALL will be done for us’ and that ‘we no longer need to ‘work’ on ourselves or do anything’
Falseness in Spiritual Brother and Sisterhood - that ALL will be revealed
A Triple Goddess healing is going on right now....
Our planetary enlightenment is reaching other planets in what we are each going through - as in where we came from ‘before here’
Book way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman recommended to read or re-read
‘Zig zag’ energies amending and mending and healing from previous wars on and off planet
We are sending out such a HUGE Universal and planetary healing with all we are going through
Reached our point of limitation
We have gone Beyond our limit in the Human - and if one has not or has not ‘got’ a strong and clear connection to the Divine - The head or ego ‘fills’ that space
Everyone is being held accountable
Reaching a place of ‘what am I doing here, why did I choose this’ - Deeply in Spirit and Soul, that’s the breakthrough point of no return
Looking back and shifting perspectives to ‘gee wasn’t I lucky, I was with the Divine and protected’
As we need and are Beyond letting go of all - as we have reached a cut off now
This is higher than us and being done for with and of the Divine as we so bravely chose to come here as ‘Peaceful Warriors’
We now need to find a new way or ways and ‘fight no more’
As the fight is within of the dark and the light = head/ego = Heart and Soul
And not to fight ‘others’ battles’ with this
This Divine Journey is for us and us alone or us with the Divine - ONLY
I’m talking and sharing here from the VOID at the moment and this is what I need to share
Can you see and feel how I come from unconditional love, truth and honesty from within the void!
This is how and what we need to be and to be GENTLE on ourselves
To learn that it’s not instant, this comes in facets
Conscious awareness - each facet and every word you say and what you feel
One by one we flip them, we flip them with conscious awareness of being: WIDE AWAKE
This is the time of reaching core soul wounding! That is from original first soul incarnation wound
Where we flip the negative from the head to the heart...
Always be ‘ready’ - we need to be careful all the time
There is so much going on and so much un-truth around us all the time
We need to be on guard and ready
And 100% ourselves and in the moment and be truthful...and the Divine does the what can you do after that?
This is from my heart and Soul and Spirit of the Divine within the or my VOID of energies right now...
Which for the very first time, I am now fully sharing of what this is for myself multidimensionally is occurring in pieces, like pieces of a very large puzzle that is very spread this is the first time I have seen this so spread out like this...
My love to you all..with a gentle reminder to be aware of when one shifts into the head, or detaches or pulls away, as these energies have been Beyond overwhelming...
You are still didn’t ‘check-out’ - you are strong enough!!
You are Masters - You are Ascending - And we are Gathering
As always I am right here with you
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos
Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer
You are Masters - You are Ascending - And we are Gathering
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available
Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 9D to our Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity as a Rainbow Bride for and with ALL of humanity