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Turning the Corner

Ascending Master Gathering Energy Update Anastacia-Blue Beyond Guide - Turning the Corner - Part 11 - 15th May 2018

After a few days of very intense energies ‘we are now turning the corner’ energetically - albeit seems to be slow moving...

For those who feel and transmute so deeply, we have been transmuting so many energies with ourselves, our close family and other ‘family’ who may not be so close, yet we are still shifting and healing with this as well.

Also the collective energies that are shifting, that we are part of - leading into June of “Zero Point Unity” (as shared by Romeo Baron (Ascension Energies) which I resonated to with all I have been sharing and bringing through - as always I ‘wait and see’ what this means in the human)

As well as also feeling:

“Perhaps it feels as though nothing is happening for you at the moment. Life does have its lulls and downtime”


“In just a short time, the action is going to kick in. Get ready for it. Things are not going to remain still for much longer.

You are about to take a giant leap forward in your life”

So while processing so much it is also:

“Time to step out of your own way - to let go of your doubts or fears about claiming YOU. You were born to take up space here.

You were born to share what you have. Spirit is acknowledging this for you to help encourage you onward”

And that at this time that this:

“Can also be calling you to make a serious commitment to yourself, whether it is to lose weight, quit smoking, start a yoga class, or go for some healing sessions”

This is also very important right now to commence as well:

“You may also need to re-assess any previous commitments you have made to discern whether they are still right for you.

It would also be wise to look closely at the commitments others have made to you and assess whether they are fulfilling their promise.

It might be time to release them from their commitment”

We all teachers in living in our truth from unconditional love with our connection the the Divine Spirit:

“Spirit is attempting to show you that what you have to teach comes directly from above, from the Universe. It is intended to be delivered to and shared with the world.

To doubt your knowledge, is to doubt Spirit.

Trust what you have. Know you can do this.

Spirit is backing you on this and encouraging you to embrace the teacher you are born to be”

Enjoy this full reading from Return of Spirit, Cheryl Lee Harnish for what you resonate to within yourself:

COMMITMENT You are being asked to make some sort of commitment. It is both a promise and a responsibility. This could be in connection with a relationship; such as moving in together, deciding to get married or having a child. The Commitment card can also point to other types of commitment such as; starting a new business, planning a vacation with friends, signing up for classes, or taking on any type of long-term project. This commitment is a binding one, and you will not be able to get out of it easily should you change your mind later. This is signified by the bow-like symbol in the fractal image on the card. Whatever the case may be, this commitment does hold soul lessons and was planned before you came here. This does not mean that it is either good or bad, but simple means that this is a fated event. You, and others involved in the situation, are fulfilling your soul agreements with each other. This card can also be calling you to make a serious commitment to yourself, whether it is to lose weight, quit smoking, start a yoga class, or go from some healing sessions. You may also need to re-assess any previous commitments you have made to discern whether they are still right for you. It would also be wise to look closely at the commitments others have made to you and assess whether they are fulfilling their promise. It might be time to release them from their commitment. You may be wavering in your decision about a certain commitment. Lean towards the idea that this might actually be the right thing for you to do. Spirit usually replies to the things which are most important to us at the moment. This card can act as a validation that you are heading in the right direction

KNOWLEDGE Knowledge is a gift that is meant to be shared with others. Most often this card comes to those who are teachers or those who facilitate the transference of information to others in some way. The Knowledge card is here to re-affirm the understanding that you play an important role in bringing through information, teachings, and higher learning to others. You help others to advance through what you have to share. This is a gift. If you have been doubting yourself or your abilities, then it is time to let that go. Trust yourself and what it is you have to offer. As a tool of Spirit, you are here to help raise the consciousness and awareness of others on this planet. Often times, it is those who are born to teach and exchange knowledge, who doubt they have anything worthwhile to share. This is the very reason the Knowledge card has come to you today. It is time to step out of your own way - to let go of your doubts or fears about claiming YOU. You were born to take up space here. You were born to share what you have. Spirit is acknowledging this for you to help encourage you onward. Look carefully at the fractal image on the card and you will see an energy line coming straight from the top, down into the crown chakra of the being. It then continues to flow through, and out of the being. This represents you. Spirit is attempting to show you that what you have to teach comes directly from above, from the Universe. It is intended to be delivered to and shared with the world. To doubt your knowledge, is to doubt Spirit. Trust what you have. Know you can do this. Spirit is backing you on this and encouraging you to embrace the teacher you are born to be

FELINE Perhaps it feels as though nothing is happening for you at the moment. Life does have its lulls and downtime. The Feline card has come to let you know that in just a short time, the action is going to kick in. Get ready for it. The energy of the cat is strong within the fractal image. And the cat has a strong message for you as well. While it may feel as if you are not making progress in your life at this moment, everything is in its perfect order. Cats love their sleep, and this is a cue for you to take this time to really rest. The feline card might also indicate a need to have a massage or body work. Being rubbed and touched by a set of caring hands can do wonders for your body, and spirit as well. Another aspect of cat energy is play time. The feline card is asking that you get plenty of it. When you do go out, make sure that you do the things which really being you joy. Have fun and enjoy this quiet period in your life. Things are not going to remain still for much longer. You are about to take a giant leap forward in your life. Just as a cat sits perfectly still in the grass as it watches its prey, you are also being asked to allow the stillness. When everything aligns and the timing is right, your instincts are going to tell you it is time to leap. And when you do, you will bound higher and farther than you ever thought you could. Your aim will be precise, landing you directly on that which you have had in your sights. So take the time now to play around. Enjoy the quiet as you mentally focus on where you want to go in your life. The next big burst of energy is going to take you there in a single powerful leap”

TURNING THE CORNER The turning of the corner in spirit energetically came through in the last 12hrs...and now it is the link and follow through of this in the human - that this ‘reading’ came specifically for...

As there is still so much energy ‘swirling around’ that is very intense, where we needed to go deeper into ‘Our Own Space in our Own Space’

As to not ‘pull right in’ - was ‘a bit much’ for those so closely linked and feeling the energies going on, with what is going on collectively with others/humanity

So as we ‘turn this corner’ in the human, we are guided to commit to ourselves and that it may be time to release others from their commitment - with a previous link with us and us with them

Old cords, threads and ties that we many not be aware that we are subconsciously still hanging onto or are doing so in spirit without realising in the human - which the BBG Clock removal method (may share soon) or what ever method you use, and focusing on a connection with someone, is a wonderful tool/method to use at this time - over and over in layers - as this depends on the connection one had

As this then allows us to commit to ourselves fully and firstly - and then re feel into what resonates in a positive or a ‘feel good’ way in the New Earth Energy with others

Today is a new day as is each and every we are in the ‘turning of the corner’ now energetically, it has come through, so you know and can take a breath as many of you do feel this as well

As now in the human, we commit to ourselves and trust - even if we do not know all that is occurring - we can commence to push through the old and break through to the new for ourselves FIRSTLY with our link, our faith and trust in the Divine = Trusting Ourselves

As you are Masters - You are Ascending - And we are Gathering...

As always I am right here with you

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 9D to our Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity as a Rainbow Bride for and with ALL of humanity

*I am lovingly gifting this energy update (and others) as this is a vital time for humanity with these unique insights and guidance of the DIVINE - that comes through firstly of both Spirit and Soul in 6-7D Human Embodiment and 9D in Spirit as a template, Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer and WaySeer firstly for humanity...

I will continue to do so as guided until June 1st - as from June 1st, to receive these by email will be by way of a monthly contribution that I have needed to do, to continue to share all I AM - enquiries as to this exchange/contribution can be done so to: - much Divine love and Blessings -Anastacia

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