ENERGY UPDATE ALERT - in a very good way - that to bring this energy update through here is a Collage of energies that myself and another Master collated, with input of other Masters’ energies as well - as guided by the Divine from a few different written articles that were of Divine Resonations, that we were guided to from recent times - that I needed to then piece by piece translate and transmute through 6-7D in Human Embodiment linked with 9D in Spirit - in resonance of what I have shared recently as well - that has taken days and at all hours to do so
I can honestly say that NEVER has there been a time where it was ‘needed’ to collate from other sources of the Divine coming through humanity to ‘put this all together’ as I have here - not in 23years
NEVER has there been such a momentous time of energies in both Spirit and Soul of Multidimensions and Timelines of Three Waves of Energy
As never have we ‘reached’ or are reaching where it has been said “but those who are in 3D space will not be able to access the higher space” yet, I can share that this is very real and our reality and I am seeing and feeling this with others ‘in my face so-to-speak...
I was let know years ago I am a Rainbow Bridge for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul paving the way as a template for humanity and as a Celia Fenn shares:
“This “Rainbow Bridge” is within you, and it will activate for you so soon as you make the choice to relocate your life into the multi-dimensional New Earth. It is your choice”

Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Update Anastacia Blue Beyond Guide - Integration of Multidimensions and timelines of all three waves of energies - 3D to 5D - Part 7 - 11th May 2018
We are doing a ‘full circle’ of completion of what was not fully felt to the core to heal from our past - that is linked to past lives and our first incarnation wounding...
That is manifesting in the Physical
Needing to do so as part of the energies and any form of ego or self doubt will arise for us to let go of this too - letting go of control
This is Multidimensional and complex and I am forming this unique energy Update from a myriad of information sources - as guided - to bring this through as a collation of much energy and to transmute this through in human words - as a guide and a start of ‘putting together’ a complexity of energies in the human and spirit link
As we need to open our heart more! - For and of ourselves and the Divine - from the Inner - as those with the ‘biggest hearts’ will flow through this more smoothly
If we do not do so, we may then do this on the outer...
As in our focus may go to the outer due to needing to open our hearts more of what was suppressed that needs to come out to be released to be let go = A huge Pandora’s box of ALL - pls re read this
If we focus on the outer, all that we have suppressed in the past, what we used to fear (and more) and what we have suppressed is floating around to be released - we may create a ‘false reality’ for ourselves
Albeit it will be temporary (more on this below) - due to not having our energy on the inner and feeling these feelings that need to be let go of - I did say this was complex!
We need to observe these old energies of fear, anger (and so on) and abandonment (which has been HUGE that has come up) - coming out to be released on Multi-dimensional levels and many timelines as well of three waves of energy all at once that have now come I shared as these waves came in
That is why we very much need to be in our own spaces or going ‘solo’ right now - as we are not able to be in others spaces and transmute as many of us ‘usually do’ - we are very much needing to transmute for ourselves ONLY - as this is just too great of a shift of energies coming through in May in so many ways - leading up to 8/8 energies
BEING GROUNDED - FALSE REALITY If we are not conscious or grounded or are detached then we will be creating a ‘false reality’ to cope - this is so huge with many right now and said with so much love
As when one does this, they will be tested with something to bring them ‘back down’ and in, to their consciousness
As an opportunity to be very real and feel deep within what has been suppressed - this is being presented through something in the physical for many
Depending on how ‘in touch’ one is with their emotions and their link with Soul and Spirit - our health is being the BIGGEST WAKE UP CALL for ourselves and for some with some very serious ailments and dis-ease that have arisen or re-surfaced
Can you see how this is flitting from the inner and outer and back....from soul to spirit
We need an anchor as this can be very unstable, as we feel and release, as we focus on the inner in every present moment and keep bringing our energy back into ourselves and opening our hearts further
Our anchor is completely letting go...
It is the control that is needing to be let go of...
Our anchor also is being conscious with a New Awareness as we cannot replay the old...
~ This is linked with the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies as well which we are needing to anchor in through our Earth Star to Gaia ~
As we are Birthing a Very New Self of a very new FREEDOM
An integration of Multi dimensions and timelines of all three waves of energies that have come through - soul, spirit and then an overall wave of physical manifestation...
This is a general overall summary of the ‘whole’ of spirit and soul linked with the Divine...this may be not fully understood right now, yet this needs to be shared for me to write and share more further on...
As to receive and read this, even if one does not fully ‘understand’ all of this, is a Divine Healing of the ‘whole’ or bigger picture for humanity in Spirit and Soul linked - and this dear souls is what you are receiving in just opening and reading this...
Here is a wonderful update through Celia Fenn of the Divine as ‘there is no one quite like her’ on the planet in what she brings through and has done so for many years:
This part especially is very important:
“In the next few months between now and the Lion’s Gate in August, we will be getting used to the “feel” of dimensional shifting and making choices and shaping reality in preparation for the beginnings of dimensional separation that will start at that time. This simply means that after the 8/8 those who are sufficiently evolved will be able to step into that higher dimensional space as a choice and be there, but those who are in 3D space will not be able to access the higher space. Those who are multi-dimensional will still be able to access the 3D world, according to choice and if you have work still to do there, but you can also choose to begin migrating into the higher dimensional realities. You have about 3 months to start making those choices, fellow travellers. For indeed, the New Earth is manifesting and we are invited to cross that magical bridge that was activated on the 5/5 Star Gate on the 5th of May. This “Rainbow Bridge” is within you, and it will activate for you so soon as you make the choice to relocate your life into the multi-dimensional New Earth. It is your choice.”
3D TO 5D Many I know of are at an in-between of 3D and 5D - and it is a final letting go of control and shadow ego - that is linked to ones past childhood that has re-surfaced - that can no longer be ‘hidden’ and is being exposed - as per all previous Parts of these energy updates
You have ‘time’ from now until what Celia shares about the Lions Gate energies of 8/8 as these have been more powerful in the last few years - to make a soul choice linked with Spirit in being very real and honest with yourself of what is going on deeper at your core
As I have full faith in you and humanity that those brave souls who have endured so much will get through this!
And will make this choice that will propel them further than anything that one could possibly have perceived they could create - that they could create in a New Birthing of ourselves Multi dimensionally of so many layers and levels into the human being linked with Spirit our Higher Selves = FREEDOM
Of taking our Power Back for, of and with ourselves firstly!!
BE-ing very real and monitoring our thoughts and feelings CONSCIOUSLY and bringing up any forms of coming from the hidden sub-conscious is Beyond vital now...
“As the last seven years have been spent preparing the Planet and HUmanity for the shift into Multi-dimensional and Quantum states of Realty Consciousness. Yes, that means we will no longer be confined by collective expectation, but will be free to create our own narratives and stories that express what we wish to experience in our physical and material lives” - Celia Fenn
~ I am lovingly gifting this unique Ascension Masters Gathering Energy Update - To receive these personally emailed to you, a monthly contribution/exchange to receive these is now available for those who are shifting into their Mastership
Please email for further information in regards to receiving the only Ascension Energy Updates in Spirit and Soul of the Divine in such full detail as in the WHOLE and bigger picture on the planet from a Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer in 6-7D in human embodiment linked with Spirit in 9D ~
~ I am available over the next three weeks for those who are needing personal guidance for themselves with a 1:1 Divine Healing - to help you help yourself of a Divine Healing that is Beyond life changing in both Spirit and Soul and a catalyst for those who do and who are ‘ready’ to do so as Masters growing into your Mastership - for what ever you are going through ~
As always I am right here with you
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available
Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 9D to our Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity as a Rainbow Bride for and with ALL of humanity