Ascending Masters Gathering Energy Update Anastacia-Blue Beyond - WE ARE THE MIRROR~HEIGHTENED ENERGIES COMING THROUGH RIGHT NOW - CHILDHOOD SHADOW SIDES CORE DEEP! - 3rd May 2018 (2)
Today, right now huge or heightened energies are coming through
Big changes going on Energetically, 2nd day like this now...
Big Big changes in relationship connections, due to childhood trauma at the/OUR core - of when we first took on or created our own individual ‘coping methods’ = a releasing of shadow sides
This also = big big changes in our connection with ourselves...
Of being so very very honest with ourselves...as there is something about ourselves deep deep at our core we need to firstly acknowledge to ourselves that we many not want to own...
And as I write and share this now a higher pitch came in my left ear briefly
As the constant energies coming through in what those in the 3D world call ‘tinnitus’ or ringing in the ears is something one learns to get used to as part of Ascension (after having this medically seen to of course, if need be)
As this then becomes a soothing background support when one does so
And then one learns to take note of when this frequency shifts and changes and is a great tool to utilise for validation/confirmation or insight to what one just said...
HEIGHTENED ENERGIES With the heightened energies right now, childhood shadow sides are emerging CORE DEEP
Keep pushing through as these come, as you are above this!
It’s like an overlay of an older wave of energy with the new...and so this needs to be broken through in keeping your faith and trust
A fresh new start of creating a break or space for ourselves to self monitor ourselves is VITAL for many to get through these energies - those who are at breaking point...
‘Electro’ - Australian Bush Flower essence is ideal to take right now...where one can read and feel and tap this into their crown chakra...I always have a bottle on hand, and this is with wearing my EMF pendant as well:
Greatly relieves fear and distress associated with earth, electrical and electromagnetic radiation. It helps to bring one into balance with the natural rhythms of the earth.
Negative Condition: Feeling drained and flat Out of balance with earth rhythms Positive Outcome: Reduces emotional effects of radiation
I have said this verbally twice now and surprised myself as to how it came out as I don’t do ‘future predictions’ of energies...yet I know to implicitly trust as this does not come for me to say something like this often
So for the next three weeks, please tend to yourself on the Inner...bring your energy back into yourself - LET GO OF CONTROL ON THE OUTER = TOTAL SURRENDER
As I have spoken to some who ‘thought’ they were or did...
The guidance that came through this morning was:
For 24hours just STOP
Do not do any process or push to do things
STOP and create a space of NOTHING and then start to monitor your inner thoughts...listen to yourself and what you are saying!
As the ego and coming from the head in pressuring oneself - is very full on right now - which was shown in the last Energy Update as to how crippling this can be for oneself - and how after realising this, this soul (K) was able to shift through this...
WE ARE OUR OWN MIRROR We are now FACING OURSELVES - that we are unable to escape from ourselves basically - as I have written this before in stages of we are facing ourselves in the mirror in a previous update - and now we are the mirror!
Instant reflecting back, no gap or space...as this was first shared this year from memory of the mirror
cracking...and then how we are perfect in our imperfections of like a cracked mirror...and then how we are facing our mirror right in front of us, our noses touching...and now the mirror and ourselves are ONE
If there is resistance and stubbornness or any form of controlling energy then we will clash with OURSELVES....
This is the experiencing of the knowing as ‘Knowing and experiencing are World’s apart’
It helps to allow some ‘space’ between yourself and others right now to allow this transition of this happening - focus your energy on you! Time and time again...
Walk the middle path or road...there may be many possibilities of what one has going on, so have one scenario in like your left hand, and the other in your right hand..and stay strong and true to yourself in the MIDDLE Balance of being steadfast as YOUR OWN ANCHOR - while changes are continuing....
KEEP STAYING IN THE NOW - during so much flux of energies..
All you have gone through up until now, was preparing you for these energy changes AS ALL HAS CHANGED...and you are strong enough! - as you are enough!
And now it is so vital for us to have our soul and heart link with the Divine during ‘these times’ of energies....and ALWAYS
From our Heart and Soul and not from our Head or Negative Ego that wants to control - SURRENDER OF ALL... I am lovingly gifting this recent unique Ascension Masters Gathering Energy Update as contributions to receive these are now available for those who are shifting into their Mastership
This will only continue as guided until June 1st
Please email theoraclespeaks@bigpond.com for further information in regards to receiving the only Ascension Energy Updates in Spirit and Soul of the Divine in such full detail as in the WHOLE and bigger picture on the planet from a Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer in 6-7D in human embodiment linked with Spirit in 9D
As always I am right here with you
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 9D to our Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity as a Rainbow Bride for and with ALL of humanity