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Back to Basics/New Start/Souls Blocking Themselves

Blue Beyond - Back to Basics/New Start/Souls Blocking Themselves - 18th April Many souls are trying to fit the 'old program' in to the new upgraded computer.

What I mean by that, is that many are wanting to take a new step forward on their souls journey....yet subconsciously are running the 'old' program of what they used to do that worked.

A computer can be upgraded with a new operating system but it cannot be downgraded.

Even though one may read this as in the knowledge of this is what is going is the actual taking the first step of putting this into place....with yourself.

It is about 'making' yourself take a step in, looking at your personal situation and what you are wanting to change or do for yourself to help yourself on your next step on your souls journey.

ESTABLISHING A NEW BASE And to get to that first step, the base/foundation needs to be established and right now it is about small steps...small but very essential and powerful at the same time.

So many souls are wanting to jump forward with what they 'used to do'...and make improvements...but are finding it is not working.

As it is about stopping and feeling and realising that it is 'trying' to fit the old program in the new computer.

BLOCKING SELF As many souls are actually blocking themselves right now.

No matter how long you have been on your journey or what work you have done on yourself, this needs to be felt and acknowledged for what it is for you.

As the next step can then be taken....but not until one realises their block of 'trying' to fit what they did in the past and incorporate it into the just not working.

And this may seem so simple...because it is....and therefore it can be over looked.

As it always comes back to basics.

HOW CAN I BRING THE NEW IN? An example is going for a walk each day....just 15 minutes will clear the head and soul to allow room for the new to come in.

For one to create space for the new to form and for insights to HAVE THE SPACE to come in.

And the KEY here is about looking around and enjoying the walk...opening up your energy space....and also letting all thoughts flow.

You may not like the feelings of what comes up but IT DOES PASS...if you let them come up.

And as you walk and then turn around half way, that process in turning around physically, allows your energy to turn is very one then can feel the shift in energy just after this is done.

Simple yes...and very effective and powerfully healing.

There there is having an epsom salt/lavendar bath (and what ever else you may add in)...this is so important to clearing our mind, body and spirit of energies.

Even if one needs to stay in for one hour until they clear/shift the energies.

As the KEY is to stay in the water until you do not want to get out.

As one can feel very restless while in the bath...that is because you are releasing so much and yes it can feel uncomfortable.

It is about riding that out, until your energy reach the space of not wanting to get out.

So this is some of what I mean by 'the basics'.

As without my baths or my walks, there is no way I could cope or handle all I go they really are that vital to help clear my energy.

And they are among many many things I do to help clear my energy to keep going.

PRAYING AND HANDING OVER Another vital important tool or process I use all the time, is praying...which the KEY to this HAND IT OVER AND GET OUT OF OUR OWN WAY.

I have written about this before, yet it is something that some souls are not quite getting/feeling...all in good time wink it also took me a while to really 'get' this.

It is about feeling what it is you are asking for guidance or clarity on and wether it is asking your Higher Self....God or Angels or who is about then handing it over and letting it go...and pulling your energy back to allow the space for the insight or clarity to come through.

Picture what you are asking about and put it into a big pink bubble...and then see it go to a giant pair of hands and be taken up.

And when you have done this with your heart and soul you WILL feel it go.

IS THE HEAD KICKING IN? As it is the head that can then kick in if one has not done it from this in, if it is done by the head one will keep thinking or worrying about things...that's when you know it needs to be done again and this time FEELING IT from deep within your heart/soul.

THE OLD IS THE NEW STILL What I am sharing here is not new information, it is what I have been sharing over the years.

As I am aware of many souls that do not 'understand' a lot of the Blue Beyond they at a space in their awakening and souls journey, that my soul (and others) have been through already...for our souls journey in ascension.

(Said with much love and respect for all souls on their divine journeys).

If you are wanting more what I call basic posts, yet which are still very relevant and important, then you can find them at:

(Remember these blogs were written from a very different space to where I am at now but the content is still vitally important).

As it is beyond time for us to be in our own individual bubble/spaces/energy.

As this is how we can best support our souls as in 'Me First'...which in turn then allows us to guide others healthily...and for other souls to support themselves for their unique souls journey.

We are Spiritual Warriors and we need to put our souls first...then all else follows.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


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