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We are the Change

Blue Beyond - WE ARE THE CHANGE - 20th April 2015

WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE...we ARE THE CHANGE...right here and now.

And the numbers will only grow more and more.

As you being here shows your authenticity and realness and evidence that you ARE GROWING and ASCENDING.

Even if a soul does not fully understand some of the Blue Beyond posts, that is is the fact your soul is here in this space, reading what you are.

FEEL and KNOW that your soul is contributing to Humanities Ascension...and that your soul chose to be here at this very special time.

It is an exciting time of so many changing energies, where things get better and YOU ARE PROGRESSING....I can assure you of that.

Yes it can be tough, as it is tough being here as a Human Being....but your soul DID CHOOSE this....yes, I know, why did one choose to experience what they are, I am hearing you and have said that many times myself in the past.....yet after I shift and heal...I can see why and I now chuckle about it.

As the benefits of freeing our souls, bit by bit, layer by layer is indescribable as to the feeling of this.

And it is SO WORTH IT.

SPIRITUAL ATTITUDE It is what you do in between times that can make ALL the difference.

It is our spiritual attitude and light heartedness that makes this survivable...truly it is.

When a soul grows, one learns that humour and lightening up is essential for us to cope, healthily...and going with the changes.

A shift of perspective and attitude can be achieved quite quickly, if one chooses, or has the understanding of there is a bigger purpose to all we are going through.

And while one may not see this at any given is remembering the feeling of freedom and peace and bliss that comes when one shifts through what their soul is experiencing.

And holding onto that feeling when it comes, as those moments make all the difference as well.

So maybe it is time to adjust ones attitude and keep the vibration positive through our experiences, no matter what you go through.

As when I am in pain or going through a release, I still have a smile on my face where others would have no idea what is going on....yes it has taken me years to get to this point and I have my times of crying and being angry or whatever as I go through things, yet they go very quickly and my attitude and faith and trust allows this to happen smoother and is the KEY to coping better for my soul.

What about yours?...Are you going to make an effort to change things around

for your soul....I don't know...only you will.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


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