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A Re-visit of the Past/Taking Our Power Back

Blue Beyond - A Re-visit of the past/ Taking Our Power Back - 22nd April 2015 (2) *If you do not understand all of this post, that is okay as it is quite deep...yet if a soul resonates even a little, then it has been worth it ;-)*

Today was a VERY BIG day of re-feeling or seeing the past again in our lives....being re-presented for us to TAKE OUR POWER BACK.

Realising the situation that is being reflected back from our past HAD A PURPOSE and it HAPPENED FOR A REASON on our souls journey...AS THERE WILL BE SOMETHING WE NEEDED TO LEARN FROM THIS EXPERIENCE.

And we are talking about some not-so-nice situations or experiences...yet, you are still are right here and survived.

The past has ALL happened to bring you to who and where you are right now.

Yes, these are words most of us know is then APPLYING this to our unique in the feeling in of these words, in our hearts and the core of our souls in our personal experience.

'Knowing and Experiencing are Worlds apart'...

And in doing so, realising that after our emotions have been looked at, to then come up and back from the Spiritual and see the bigger picture.

(There is a lot to looking at the emotions and what to do with them - as in what process or realisations need be made by each then be able to come up and back...and if you are needing this revealed for your individual souls journey the Blue Beyond can be contacted at:

SOULS DOMINATING OTHERS ON THE ASTRALS As a lot has changed recently as in, more souls are now over ruling or exerting dominance on the astrals (and more) with others.

As one can deal with all on the human level...yet something may still be triggered or not feel quite right.

Souls are stepping things up and being very very sneaky and nasty...and this can be quite new and different/difficult to detect.

ON A LARGER SCALE My dear friends, there is so much going on in the Astrals/Multi-dimensions/Multi-verse (as we are now dealing with Past, Present AND future).....on such a larger scale now.

Even those close to me that are aware of this, have still needing guidance in their personal situations of what came up for them from their past....which was being triggered with someone they are close to...either at work or in their personal life.

STEPPING UP THE ANTI or the DOMINATION What is happening is that as a soul grows and starts to make changes in taking their personal power back...the other soul they are close to or have a connection with, then also stepped up the anti or their domination.

And did so by over ruling/dominating on the Astrals (or beyond).

The realisation of this information alone was enough for these souls to get angry....yet in a good way...and then they took their power back (Self empowerment) on the Astrals.

It is about knowing it is going on above/in the Astrals..... as well as in the human.

50/50 What is also linked to this is....are you owning 100% of a situation with someone close to you?

And if so, what is coming up is that it is being linked to the past?

In that, are you owning 100% of what is now coming up and being re-presented, from the past?

EMPATHS In the past, as Empaths we took on more than our share of a situation without realising this (as it is NOT all of ours to own).

So right now with what has come up in all I have shared the perfect opportunity for us to re-look at our situation that has been re-presented AND realise that we may have been taking on 100% of this energetically.

And when one does then PULL OUR ENERGY BACK INTO OUR OWN BUBBLE....and only own 50% of the situation.

50% OF THE LOAD OR SITUATION IS MUCH EASIER TO HANDLE And then after only owning our 50%...what happens is one is then able to manage this and deal with we are not responsible for the other souls lessons or their 50%.

LIFE CHANGING And this my friends is the greatest secret or tool to use that will shift this immediately when one grasps and feels this in their soul.

As it can be the one of the biggest aha moments that can change one's it was for both souls that were guided through what it was for them today.

As what they were doing was 'trying' and work through this, when not all energy involved was theirs....i.e. they were actually UNABLE to do so.

CARING This is a learned thing and something we have been doing for so long and it is because WE CARE.

And there was a time and a purpose for being like this, as part of our souls journey but things have changed now.

It is beyond time for us to bring our energy and power into ourselves and look after us.

It is time for us to SAVE our OWN SOULS.

We are No. 1 and this is about us taking our Power Back big time.

And as we do so, we then allow the other soul/s involved the choice to then also take their power back.

And if they do...or really up to them.

And only when we fill our well and water ourselves first....can we then healthily water/give to others.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


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