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All of Our Facets are being Shined up at once

Blue Beyond - ALL OF OUR FACETS ARE BEING SHINED UP AT ONCE - 22nd April 2015 Facebook has been different and more so many souls are feeling deeply what is going on energetically.

You may be feeling tired and unsettled....and not being able to rest as much.

Thoughts are swirling around seeming to not cease day and night

Our bodies are letting us know we may need to do things differently to help us heal.

Something/s in our lives are now done, as we are no longer able to do what we used to or live how we used to.

Our old ways of doing things no longer work....yet it is taking time for this to filter and realise deep within....and that operating the old program into the new system (previous BB post) just does not fit.

But yet we are still doing so, until we stop and really feel in and look at this for ourselves on a one- by-one basis.

And right now there is more than one instance going on....and it cannot be all done at once, it needs to be gradual.

THE OLD NO LONGER WORKING The old just does not work as it used to...we cannot force ourselves to be something we are not feeling anymore.

Communicating with others to aid and assist our new growth will help, as we come together with like souls, to help and support each other and that you are not alone....can make all the difference.

RESURRECTION/REBIRTH continues.... The two moons and the resurrection/re-birth of our energies is still continuing...especially felt by those who are empaths/extra this was such a big shift for humanity...and it is taking time for this to filter through.

There are new ways to do things and we need to be open to them, to expand our ways of what we did before.

THE HEAD CAN KICK IN With this happening, a big area is our 'heads' are kicking often when we shift, it creates a new space and the older thoughts and patterns can continue in the new...until we filter out what no longer applies for us now.

OUR FACETS OF OUR DIAMOND A general overall upgrade of all of our facets is going on...and there will be areas that no longer serve us and no amount of 'forcing' the old will work as it is just not there.

It could be a relationship or work has run its it's time to find a new way...and this can take time as it unable to be all done at once, with so many facets of our diamond shining up ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

CONTINUALLY FINDING A BALANCE OF OUR POLARITIES And it is finding a balance and doing so gradually as often we do the polarities...from one end of the see-saw to the other...and it is recognising this and then when one can bring this to a balance in the middle....bit by by one.

*And often it is two steps forward and one back as this adjusting continues*.

AUTHENTICITY It is time to be real and authentic as we are unable to 'fake it' to this is real and is happening right here and now.

It is about finding new ways and to not expect to do all at once...and to find a balance within this.

REST AND NURTURE WHEN YOU CAN Continue to rest and nurture and take breaks when they come, make the most of them as we need these little breaks as we carry on and continue re-adjusting so many facets all at once.

Bring in what serves to help you to cope, one by one...rebuilding our foundation of the basics, to help us to ground and cope with so much changing all at once.

And keep going in faith and trust of an overall adjustment is going on for us all...with so much of the old falling away as it has served it's purpose.

EMPOWERMENT DURING THESE TIMES And what helps to cope is knowing all of there are others posts about this....yet the Blue Beyond did give a heads up to this previously.

And knowing this is the new 'normal' can run with this with empowerment of the bigger picture.

So if you are feeling unsettled in your soul, know you are not alone or the only one feeling this as what a blessing that we can now share and grow together.

As what awaits us will serve us and our souls purpose more in the new that we are creating...individually and collectively.

BE GENTLE ON YOURSELF So please do not give yourself a 'hard time' during all of this, as this will only block ones is being aware of the 'bigger picture'....and forgiving and accepting and picking yourself up and continuing on.

As we are moving onwards and upwards.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


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