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6D Pioneer Energy Update - Real-Time We are now finally Rebirthing through the Galactic Womb Pt 3 -

Earths vibration has risen, and there is much on this with the Scheuermann's resonance and other information about what is happening in the higher dimensions. But what does this mean in the HUman in linking our Spirit to our Soul? My 'interpretation' of this is that we are now moving through the 'birth canal' - of the Galactic Womb. (Refer Pts 1 & 2). Just as a baby leaves all they knew behind (in that 'space') in moving out of the womb, so are we. LET GO We are needing to 'Let-Go' of any other rebirth ascension process we have ever been in or known before. We are stepping out of the old self and all we knew before - as this cant be rushed! If we 'try' or attempt to rush this, we can tip over the edge - as in if we do this with the mind or head, as this is bringing up and releasing what is not 'relevant' energetically and vibrationally, even to where we have shifted since the start of 2017. BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE This is after A TRIPLE balance recently of a NEW Balance of masculine and feminine, Balance with the Divine and Balance with Humanity - like aligning in the birth canal before the final 'pushing out' As we come through our 'Galactic Re-birth' there were many 'niggly' negative energies/entities that we needed to 'pass along the way' as we zoomed on through, small 'attempt's came through as we pushed through further. Like running a marathon and on/from the sidelines we had bits and pieces of negative energies thrown at us along the way, as we came back down (energetically) through to the human. As this Galactic Re-birth energy came through to the human being, it was met with much 'older vibrational' energy we have been holding in our physical bodies - from Spirit, to Soul, Mental, emotional and last place we feel is on the physical. It was an 'interruption' of our previous frequency (Gaia's as well as ours) and this led to many headaches, migraines and (new) physical injuries/ailments that came up and out to be released -Which also included the 'Extreme' exhaustion that many felt. (Pt 2). We were feeling both in the astrals/multi-dimensions as well as in the human at the same time...and this led to like an explosive meeting 'in the middle' through us and our human bodies and down to Gaia. With many in like a 'hibernation' of coping the best they can (gestation) during this. WE ARE ALWAYS CONNECTED We are always connected to Source as we are of the Divine, yet many were not able to 'connect' as one usually does, to clear guidance/information, when one is linking their Spirit to their Soul through the human being and our emotions. So there have been upgrades and raising of ones energy and vibrations in all areas, too much to cover here. This is so bringing up much of the old as we make our way through the birth canal, yet differently. The old of what we knew and shifted into this year alone. As we are stronger we know this and we can feel this. Yet as we move through our 'Galactic Re-birth', we are needing to 'shed the old skin' of what we even recently knew or felt. To also consciously realise that we were not able to keep our energy 'contained' in our usual protection we may have used. An expansion or opening up wide of our energy, expanding out to the universe and Beyond needed to occur during this time. To allow us to fully feel this 'Galactic Re-birth' of our Spirit and Soul within this. PICKING 'UP' ON OTHERS Due to this we were 'picking up on others energies that 1. Did not feel like we were or 2. We did not realise we were as some of what we were feeling WAS NOT OURS - and this was one of the greatest 'tests' for us during this time. Visualise you have your own drum you are beating and when with others, your energy is 'out' and beating on their drums each time you have an interaction, remember this is unbeknown to you. So what one is picking up on is what is going on for that other person that is also triggering what ever vibration you are matching that you are shifting and clearing or healing and so it very much feels like it is ALL ours, when infact it is not. Yet this has allowed us to clear our vibration of other energies we were needing to clear. What this did or allowed was for us to bring up what resonated for ourselves to release and LET GO of. Once we realise the 'bigger picture' of all of this then we can bring our energy back into ourselves consciously. If we imagine our energy coming out through our crown chakra like a water fountain and then bring that energy around and back into ourselves bit by bit, we can then bring our energy back into ourselves - again. Once one has the conscious bigger picture of just what we have in the human being linking to Spirit have or/are going through, as it is vital to link the two, Spirit to Soul through our emotions to be whole and balanced, then we are able to 'grasp' the bigger picture on all levels of what is going on to then allow us to bring our energy back into ourselves! Yes, this means we need to feel and to trust our hearts and ourselves and to set boundaries and protect ourselves and our energies as in 'Me first in an unselfish way'. This has been a rebirth like no other ever experienced, this is a Galactic Re-birth that is new of it's 'kind' for us and humanity. This is very unprecedented and not 'recorded' previously as we have had nothing to go on or draw off from past experiences. We are the trailblazers and way showers (and all other 'labels' there are for who we are), as we use these to help us understand the many roles each of us 'play' while here in this incarnation. As we are each a unique Divine Spark of Source. Just keep going in all you are, you will make this through, for what ever this means for you. It is time for our true selves to shine out and for us to be who we really are that many have 'hidden' for so long. Yet we are needing to balance and adjust to this for ourselves firstly as well. As Remember others are feeling this as TOO. So bring oneself back in to beating one's own drum again. 'Know Thyself' - set or re-set one's boundaries and 'stick' by them for yourself firstly, this is the key here as I know this can be challenging as it can be new for ourselves. Yet this is our starting 'point' as once we know and feel our boundaries, then this is a guide to others. And either others will respect this or not, that is up to them..what matter is whether or not you RESPECT YOURSELF to be TRUE TO YOURSELF, once and for all...the rest is a process which is unique to each individual in each situation as to where they are currently at with others. As we can see where others are in this within themselves once we do this. We are the starting point for ourselves. Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty Anastacia

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