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Energy UPdate IT IS TIME to RISE and SHINE AUSTRALIA! - 8th February 2017

I want to lovingly share a comment an Australian wrote on a recent article of mine as this was a blessing to receive. As it means the 'spiritual community' in Australia is FINALLY (starting) to be reached. As it is time to join the 'community' of HUMANITY. Of coming from our hearts and soul and linking this with our Spirit to the Divine/Source. Of realness and being very genuine as those that know me, know that I am so down to earth open and honest and am 'Aussie' to boot! And always coming from unconditional love. Rise and Shine Australia, it is TIME. As so many of us have been 'behind the scenes' as trailblazers, forerunners and wayshowers and the like, for so (very) long! Not being understood or heard or belittled or 'shut down' we have needed to grow into our authentic true selves and this takes time. It takes time for one to realise our 'gentleness' or what others called our 'weakness', which is our ACTUAL STRENGTH! It takes time to build one's confidence up from years of being 'put down' and not understood as we did not understand OURSELVES. I receive many emails and messages of others who are 'coming out of the woodwork' and relating to the 'realness' of the BB posts/articles with such gratitude, and it is such a blessing to receive each and every one of these! Of refreshing honesty of saying what something is for me on my Ascension journey as I have shared bits and pieces over the years and more so recently about being in 6D energy as a 'Pioneer'/Ascended Earth Master and owning this. As I have shared before, Spirit let me know that I am to teach, guide and to lead AUSTRALIA'S ASCENSION - in linking our Spirit to our Soul and through our emotions as a Trailblazer-Pioneer-Wayseer. This was years ago and it has taken quite a lot to understand, grow into and embrace this as my Soul and Spirits truth of Pure Divine Love! So yeah, many people in Australia will not have 'heard' of me. I've just been a bit 'busy' ;-) in facing death over 15 times now, served for 11yrs/11mnths in the Australian armed forces, suffered from PTSD (now healed) drug addiction - 5 script drugs (now healed), CFS/Fibro for 18years (now healed), and other 'illnesses' that were not meant be 'cured'...add to that a gambling addiction, bankruptcy and experiencing all else I have needed to. Just like so many of you have endured all you have and are in your lives. Of 20years behind the scenes experiencing in real life of what it means to be just that 'real'...of doing the hard yards at a time where not much was shared around and I had to rely on myself and Spirit. In bringing through something new to Humanity in what I share, that has not been written before. To create very new methods and tools that has helped to no end. To grow and shift through all I have experienced. I reached 5D around 5 years ago and have been 'waiting' for humanity (and myself) to grow so I can share what I do and even then there is still so much that I don't share as well. I first started (around 10years ago) writing and was 'walking the streets' hand delivering to those few who were interested in my posts/articles. That is how I started - 'old school' before the Internet and all the groups and information we have available to us now and it has grown from there to recently reaching 5600 likes on the Blue Beyond page. And I don't look at this as 'gee look at all those likes', no, I look at this as what a blessing that 5600 souls have resonated to realness and truth and unconditional love of the Divine...of coming home to or resonating to the Divine with THEMSELVES. Yet there are those who are still in ego and dealing with their shadow sides, that will read something like I have just shared and come from THEIR space and not mine of unconditional love and react or reply and really, where they are at and that is OK. It has taken me so long to be strong enough to deal with and handle any comments as an empath, as comments do dig deep for us. Especially when one is not confident in who they are. So I (just like many of you) have copped some 'lashings out' of words and abuse from so many. And over time, these have actually helped me to grow stronger to be where I am at now. As these were part of my/our soul contracts, to help me to grow and be stronger within myself and so we thank those souls for this, when we reach this space. As I have said before, I am open and welcome to comments as I stand by all I share and say completely as it is of Pure Divine/Source/Spirit energy and unconditional love. And if I say I am who and all I am, then this will just flow off like gentle water, and it does. I am no longer the abuse taking soul I once was...I am a lion that can roar when need be...yet within this, is a gentleness (and yes sensitive, it is knowing how to live with this) and coming from unconditional love, which always always starts with self. And yes it has taken me 51 years to get here for me. So it is a celebration really. And with that, here is the comment/s this soul wrote that I am lovingly sharing with much unconditional love, truth, honesty, realness and oh so much genuineness ;-): 'Scratching my head. I (am) well connected in Australia to the spiritual community it's not that big. If she's been around for 20 years she's been very quiet. I sometimes wonder how genuine these posts are and if you put Australia on this thinking that nobody would question that because no one is from Australia? Wrong there are many of us here'. I will finish off with this, so what 'Spiritual community' is this? As the community of spiritual souls I know of is growing, as more and more reach out and connect to the Divine through the Blue Beyond. This is the layer below time...this is linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions TIME. Of realness and authenticity and not just the top layer of 'spiritual fluff' and no disrespect here. There are so many 'spiritual communities' in Australia, yet it is time to be REAL and GENUINE and this takes strength and guts...of facing one's ego AND one's shadow side/s. As there is so much ego in many 'spiritual communities' in Australia and that's okay. They too are learning and growing, just as many of us had to as well, to face our shadow sides, to embrace LET GO of (negative) ego and Spiritual this is rife in many 'spiritual communities'. To come from a space of pure divine unconditional love, as that too is a process and a journey. It is coming up and back from the bigger picture in this love, to see where others are at, in all they are a loving spiritual elder. As this does not mean one needs to be older in human years either, as there are many in their 20's (and younger) who are so 'wise' for their human years, that call things as they see them. And I find these souls a 'breath of fresh air'. So Australian it is TIME to RISE and SHINE! And know, I am right here with you as is Spirit and the Divine. As we are the Solar Plexus of the world. This is the space of personal power. It is time for us to radiate and shine through now. As it all starts with US...and it is time for us to UNITE...and this is or can be a starting point, right here and now. I love you and all you are as I love our beautiful and amazing country and am so blessed to live here and be here at this time. Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty Anastacia

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