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Generational 'wounding' has come through for many and is overflowing or 'spilling out' on/with others, where close relationships are concerned. Add to that, this is being heightened with the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse enegies. Which has resulted in this coming out in full-on 'bullying' with those coming from their heads/ego/logic in some situations. Some souls have shifted, well we all have shifted into a newer space, yet some souls are experiencing their generational 'wounds' arising, that are overflowing onto those close to them, as part of what is arising for them to heal - if they so choose. For many this is a process that will take time, as these souls have gone into extreme ego/the 'head'/logic to cope as they are not 'able' at this stage to open or come from their hearts due to 'wounding' from their past (please remember that these souls are doing the best that they can). Which is very tough for those who have grown into themselves more from the heart Souls that are close are coming from two different tangents now...due to those who have done the deep 'inner work/unravelling and are coming from their hearts with faith in their connection to Source - as part of who they are and needing to do as part of their ascension And Those that are coming from ego/the head and logic and not feeling from their hearts with generational 'issues' coming to the fore, which is spilling over onto those close to them And Not having faith or trust in their Source/Spirit connection. Here we go again with the 'we need to come from our hearts and not one's ego/head', how many times have we read or heard this! As those that have not done so, now have a backlog of generational 'wounding' that has surprised many in arising. So, those who are coming from their hearts are finding it a bit of a shock with those that are coming from their heads/ego's/logic, as they have shifted so much and they felt their close relationship partner was as well and then all of a sudden it feels like the other soul is right back where they were when they first met them, or along those lines. As really they are not, I am just using this as an example. As those souls are still going through all they are needing to, as part of their ascension. Souls will either stay together as part of their soul contract to work through this or souls will part their ways. I know much has been written and said many times about boundaries and protection, yet once again we come to this space/place, especially at this time with the 'overflow' of generational 'wounding' coming through from so deep within. We are needing to find a 'new' way of boundaries and dealing with someone/those close to us. A stepping back and viewing what is going on for others and dealing with this in a new way, that is pertinent to the current situation we are in, right now. It may be 'letting go' and finding new ways to communicate or seeing and feeling what is going on for someone and then adjusting how we dealt with or managed this before. Again, this so different for each situation/s. Or it could be totally 'releasing' this person in our in, you go your way and I will go mine..and somewhere in that, there is PEACE. This has been quite confronting and traumatic for many souls who have been with another soul for many years, yet, remember this is part of their souls contract as it has given the soul coming from their heart space an opportunity to finally stand in their TRUTH. And what they choose to do from here, is up to them stay or to go. The following information is as it came from Spirit. As these 'notes' alone is enough for some souls to relate to. * Back to zero point * No where to go but to face oneself * 40 days and 40 nights in the desert (feels like) * So many souls in humanity while feeling the Galactic rebirth (previous BB posts Pts 1-3) are actually at the triple balance 'stage' of Balance of Feminine and Masculine, Balance with the Divine and Balance with the HUmanity, as in balance within oneself within being a part of humanity. * This is so much bigger than us and we are unable to do this alone! Yet we are needing to rely and face ourselves as with the Galactic Rebirth, it is just that, a rebirth of ourselves for ourselves and with our link to the Divine. * A place of surrender! A place or space of Balance with the Masculine and feminine with us all, males and females. * The masculine energy has no 'footing to stand on' now, when it comes to the feminine inner strength LET GO of what you 'think' you want to do as this allows for the new of what your soul is NEEDING to do 'next' for your Souls Divine Journey. To those souls who are experiencing this, stay true to yourself and stay strong in all you are! You have come so far now and it is now time to find 'another way' to do things, with new boundaries to set for oneself. Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty Anastacia Ascended Earth Master

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