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Energy UPdate Real-Time - Grief being Released/EMPATHS  - 15th February 2017

Energy UPdate Real-Time Anastacia-Blue Beyond - Grief being Released/EMPATHS - 15th February 2017 Grief is coming up for re-release with many, no matter how much we have grieved and released in the past Re-feel, breathe and release these remnants of the old...that we were not aware we were suppressing. Or that has finally arisen that one was not able to feel (completely) to release - previously We are upgrading our light bodies and as we do so, we are needing to shed, release and burn off the old dross or remnants. Picture yourself in an egg that has darkened from carrying so much of the older energies and then see a fine crack at the top-centre...breaking down to the middle. And then see/imagine yourself removing that shell with all that darker older energy from around you. See yourself step out of or remove this energy and push it up up up and release this to the Divine and asked that this be healed Then see yourself bathed in Pure Golden Christ energy. As we have so much of the old energy that we have transmuted that has 'collected' in the astrals (and around us in general) - not only of our own energy but that of others that we may have not realised we 'collected' along the way. Until we learn that we are not longer responsible or 'able' to 'carry' or transmute for others who are not feeling what is going on for themselves. EMPATHS Empaths, it is imperative for one's survival that we realise that we are unable to or are to no longer 'carry' others! To take the burden 'off' others, in just being our deeply feeling and loving selves. This is at first a bit 'foreign' to us as we love to love deeply and come from unconditional love. It has taken us a while to realise that not all feel so deeply and lovingly as we do. This is 'different' to when we share with another empath that comes from unconditional love, as we lovingly share and exchange unconditional love. That allows BOTH to 'benefit' from an exchange of energy. Our energy is liquid GOLD and we need to choose very carefully as to who we share our liquid gold with. As we are the Teacher, Guide and the Student. As we are constantly learning, changing and growing all the time. So keep coming from unconditional love, being all and who you are. Starting with YOURSELF. Know I love you and am right here with you and have been so for a very long time. We may be awake but are we awake in Spirit and the Human? As the two need to be combined, linked, joined...a coming back together of our Spirit and our Soul through Pure Divine White light and through our Emotions. To allow our full ascension. To regain our wings to fly and in this being balanced and grounded. This is new to us. This is something we came here to learn and experience. To be the amazing souls we are in spirit and in the flesh. And this is an honour and I am proud to be here with you all. Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty Anastacia Ascended Earth Master/Teacher/Guide

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