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Energy UPdate - Real Time Where are we at? - 17th February 2017

Right now we are in the LABOUR stage of a very new RE-BIRTH in the Human - from our recent Galactic Re-Birth - BB articles 2-5th February Pts 1-3 As a flow and follow on from our Galactic Re-Birth. Now is NOT THE TIME TO PUSH! Here is a mini reading as guided by Spirit to share, the full reading is at the end of this article: 'We are in the process of creating something new in our life. Trust yourself in all that you are doing at this moment. Remember though, the process of giving birth involves going through labour. We are symbolically giving birth to the higher aspect of ourselves. As you learn to move out of old ways of being and outdated limiting beliefs. You are evolving, growing and changing into a more truthful version of you. Stay strong-your are nearly there'. 'Perhaps you are feeling belittled, unworthy or misunderstood. It's important to stay grounded at this time and not fall into old patterns of behaviours or reactions. This is an opportunity to deal with your feelings and the situation, in a healthier way. You will gain a healthy form of protection on the inside and no longer need to energetically wear a shell of protection on the outside'. 'You play an important role in bringing through information, teachings and Higher learning to others. If you have been doubting yourself, then it is time to let that go. Trust yourself and wha tit is you have to offer. It is time to STEP OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY - TO LET GO OF YOUR DOUBTS AND FEARS ABOUT CLAIMING - YOU! Know Yu can do this. Spirit is backing you on this and encouraging you to embrace the teacher you are born to be'. 'We all have to pass through difficult times in our lives. The feeling of being alone in it all, and even feeling abandoned by Spirit in the darkest hour, can be overwhelming. But you are not alone at all! Hold on and hang in there. Every storm eventually pass. Just know you will survive this with your sanity intact! You will be stronger, more understanding, and more compassionate with yourself and others. Have faith in yourself-faith that you can, and will, make it through this. Spirit is here to support you as you find your won light at the end of this tunnel' - Return of Spirit by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Anastacia says: I was guided by Spirit to go away (overnight) as when I receive the 'tap on the shoulder' as I call it, I know from over the years of doing this, that something very big is 'going on'. I was needed to be removed from all and my usual surroundings and then was guided to 'pull' some cards. When it was revealed as to what came it was like a big light went on as to how many are feeling and what we are going through RIGHT NOW. And while I am 'still away' I felt so strongly to share what is going on, for those that are feeling 'something big is going on but I don't quite know what it is'. As I know his helped me immensely. I will share more on this soon, as it comes as I am excited to bring this latest information through to you! Here is the full reading for those that are interested: BIRTHING When we are in the process of creating something new in our life, we are actually calling on our Divine Force, and mastering our gift as creators, to bring something new into this world. Trust yourself in all that you are doing at this moment. Your instinct and intuition will guide you. The goals, projects, or ideas you are working on are important in the cosmic plan. There are many higher energies working with you, and through you, to help you complete what you are working towards. Remember though, the process of giving birth involves going through LABOUR. You may be feeling a lot of pressure at the moment. But discomfort during labour is natural. Don't give in, or lose hope because of it. You are doing the right thing. Don't let small disappointments or upsets lead you to thinking you are not on the right track. You are. Pain is just a natural part of labour. You may also be feeling the urge to push, even though it is not time to. Do not allow your impatience to get the best of you. Allow everything in its own time and trust the process. You do not want to start things out prematurely. Completing the gestation period is vital. So be mindful not to rush. Gestation always happens before the labour begins. The birthing card also comes to those who are symbolically giving birth to the higher aspects of their selves. Usually, this period involves its own set of growing pains, as you learn to move out of old ways of being, and outdated limiting beliefs. Trust that the challenges you are facing at this time are essential to this process. You are evolving, growing and changing into a more truthful version of you. Stay strong - you are nearly there'. IMMUNITY The immunity card comes when we are feeling as though we are under attack. You may be experiencing disagreements or arguments. Perhaps you are feeling belittled, unworthy or misunderstood. Whatever the case may be, there is a feeling of the need to protect yourself. Sometimes these feelings may not involve an individual person, but are perceived from the world at large. It's important you stay grounded at this time and not fall into old patterns of behaviours or reactions. This is an opportunity to deal with your feelings and the situation, in a healthier way. You are not responsible for what others say, think, believe, or feel. You do not have to own it or try to fix or change anything, in an attempt to appease them. Every person on this planet is responsible for their own behaviour. The Immunity card offers you a layer of protection from the negative energy surrounding the situation, so that you can respond and take action in a positive manner. This also helps you to see the bigger picture and how to resolve the matter in a way that ensures the highest good for all involved. Just as your physical body builds its immune system, energetically you are building a healthy response system to negative experiences and people. You will not be affected in the same way should this type of situation occur again in the future. You will gain a healthy form of protection on the inside and no longer need to energetically wear a shell of protection on the outside. Those around you will feel the shift in your energy as you become more accepting and open to letting others into your personal world'. KNOWLEDGE 'Knowledge is a gift that is meant to be shared with others. Most often this card comes to those who are teachers or those who facilitate the transference of information to others in some way. The Knowledge card is here to re-affirm the understanding that you play an important role in bringing through information, teachings, and higher learning to others. You help others to advance through what you have to share. This is a gift. If you have been doubting yourself or your abilities, then it is time to let that go. Trust yourself and what it is you have to offer. As a tool of Spirit, you are here to help raise the consciousness and awareness of others on this planet. Often times, it is those who are born to teach and exchange knowledge, who doubt they have anything worthwhile to share. This is the very reason the Knowledge card has come to you today. It is time to step out of your own way - to let go of your doubts or fears about claiming YOU. You were born to take up space here. You were born to share what you have. Spirit is acknowledging this for you to help encourage you onward. Look carefully at the fractal image on the card and you will see an energy line coming straight from the top, down into the crown chakra of the being. It then continues to flow through, and out of the being. This represents you. Spirit is attempting to show you that what you have to teach comes directly from above, from the Universe. It is intended to be delivered to and shared with the world. To doubt your knowledge, is to doubt Spirit. Trust what you have. Know you can do this. Spirit is backing you on this and encouraging you to embrace the teacher you are born to be'. STORM 'We all have to pass through difficult times in our lives. When things get tough, our vision and understanding can often become clouded. The feeling of being alone in it all, and even feeling abandoned by Spirit in your darkest hour, can be overwhelming. But you are not alone at all! Hold on and hang in there. Every storm eventually passes. This will not last forever. This card is here to remind you that you really do have the strength and courage to survive anything that comes your way. Spirit is here supporting you in every step you take. Clouds always part, and the sun will make its way through once again. It is important to remember that whatever you are going through right now, is for your highest learning and understanding. This card may come to you if you are having difficulty in your relationship with others. It is vital to remember that underneath your anger is hurt. Forgiveness for yourself and others is a key to moving forward and healing this. This card also comes if you are experiencing any type of crisis, whether it is in your daily life or within your inner being. Just know that this is happening to enable you to see what is not yet in alignment of your highest good and what no longer serves you. This is your opportunity to make any needed changes in your life and to heal some very deep wounds from the past. Just know that you will survive this with your sanity intact! You will be stronger, more understanding, and more compassionate with yourself and others. Have faith in yourself-faith that you can, and will, make it through this. Spirit is here to support you as you find your own light at the end of this tunnel'. Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty Anastacia Ascended Earth Master

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