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Energy UPdate - Where are we at? MASSIVE Time-Line Completion/Healing - 24th of February 2017

Energy UPdate - Where are we at? MASSIVE Time-Line Completion/Healing

Anastacia-Blue Beyond - 24th of February 2017


As you read the following Pioneer/Trail Blazer Time-Line of Humanities Ascension, one can feel the 'story' of how we have reached this space/process we are currently in/at.

Please be aware that the energy of this time-line below can be an enormous healing and validation within one's Spirit & Soul and many will feel a huge impact (disperse) energetically of a Healing of the Divine - in a positive way of course

* New link from Spirit to Soul - 25th Jan

* Passing through the eye of the Needle - 28th Jan

* Pre Re-Birth energies Pt 1 - 31st Jan

* Re-Birth (pre) Extreme Exhaustion & Re-Energising in the new Pt 2 - 3rd Feb

* Pinnacle/cusp of Re-birth, let go of what you knew before - 5th Feb

* Finally Re-Birthing through Galactic Womb Pt 3 - 7th Feb

* Generational 'wounding' overflowing/ego at extreme - 12th Feb

* Over flow of ego's/bullying/shadow sides-video Pt 2 - 13th Feb

* Mind games with Ego and the Heart Pt 2 - 14th Feb

* Energies pushing old ways/addiction urges up/Don't give up before the Miracle! - 15th Feb

* Grief being released/Empaths - 15th Feb * Empaths not feeling heard - 17th Feb

* Labour stage of Re-Birth in the Human Pt 1 - 17th Feb

* Our New RE-BIRTH IS HERE, we have entered a NEW HORIZON - Pts 2&3 - 19th Feb

* IN-BETWEEN of energies~Re-Birth=Re-blending & Re-adjusting~Divine Feminine Energy/Males re-acting Pts 4,5 & 6 - 20th Feb

* Overview - No need to self sacrifice anymore, Permanent shift, Time Line Healing, Original Split of darkness to light - 24th February

Which brings us to a very new space (or spaces) in TOTALITY as the last Overview post was a brief outline of a few 'areas' that came up due to our New Re-Birth in the Human, after the re-blending and re-adjusting and the Divine Feminine finally breaking through.

In this update I am going to focus on the MASSIVE Time-Line healing that is occurring right now. Which 'makes sense' after all we have been 'going through' since the 25th of Jan in our Ascension.

There is just so very much to this for each individual and this is a combination of many areas of completion that if one is not aware of this Bigger Picture being shared, may be confused or not fully understanding as to why so much of the old they felt they had 'worked through' is 'floating in and out'.

A lot of this can be understood more in the BB post 'Mind Games with Ego and the Heart' - 14th February 2017.

So many are in 'a' final releasing of the mind/ego to come from their hearts, but more so than just these words, as this is with those souls who already do come from their hearts.

This is those last remaining 'remnants' of coming from their heads, that they were aware of, yet kept shifting to the heart. Well it is those remnants that are going through a 'Burning Off' due to our completion of a Time-Line.

As I need to be honest in unconditional love, truth and honesty I will share that this is reaching a point where many/a lot of souls are just 'making this through' yet there are many/a lot of souls that are/will be 'checking' out' due to this. That is just how so very big this is.

As there are so many parts or 'facets' to this time-line completion as well.

Spirit has let me know that we are half way through this. And due to this taking a 'little time' to go through all we are needing to, in sharing as I am here, is providing the 'bigger picture' so when one feels into this, this enables us to EMPOWER ourselves within all we are each experiencing.

As we need to consider we are healing and clearing past relationship areas, personal areas with self, financial areas and much more.

It is continual, as in over and over in all areas of our lives that we are in a completion of a time-line healing with.

Many souls have said 'they feel like they are dying', well, I say to you these are the old parts of yourself 'dying off'.

Please know this is a very 'real' feeling as many could very well have 'left' YET, if you were not who you are right now with all the amazing healing and shifts and ALL you have done to help yourself in your ascension and all you have endured in life - you 'may' have!

As due to this being so 'extreme' and massive, many are detaching from their bodies as the strain and pressure has been so great on them.

Yet you are HERE. We chose to endure all we have been through. We CHOSE to 'do it this time around'.

You are so COURAGEOUS to be here at this time.

And even if you may not feel this at times or right now, when we surrender in complete faith and trust and 'get out of our own way' - this makes ALL the difference.

I love you as the Divine loves you so isn't it time that you love ALL of you.


Pioneer/Trail Blazer/WaySeer/Ascended Earth Master

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