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Energy UPdate - Where are we at now? A MIXTURE of Energies/Information/Insights/Stepping up and into

Pt 3 of Timeline jumping, doors opening and old closing ~This is a mixture of energies/information update. Due to so much going on with the 'closing doors of the old' - as this needs to be experienced to be understood as reading about this alone will not suffice to grow and ascend. This is a process, this is and will take a little time. This is a COMPLETION OF A WHOLE TIMELINE. Yet after closing so many doors for myself and more than one on a daily basis from around the 24th Feb, I can tell you this is very exciting as we are now stepping up to a new level of a New Mastership-a New Coming Home~ We are still going through the closing of many doors and with this, many are still 'fighting' themselves with 'pushing' with the ego of the old - as some old doors have been open for a very long time. We are still in a Time-Line Completion, it was written in Pts 1 & 2 that this would take time! This is a process of time-line jumping of the old doors that are still open for us to re-feel and experience situations for us to then recognise this (or these) and CHOOSE to open a NEW door/s as in how to 'deal' with these situations. This is more than just reading and knowing this or seeing this (in Spirit/the Astrals) - this is about bringing this through and feeling what has arisen with our past through our emotions into the Human and being VERY REAL. That is when we are able to close the old doors and for GOOD and in FINALITY. Both in Spirit and in the Human is needed for this. As this is more than just one door, this is many many areas of our lives from the past We are still in the 'finding ourselves' of the new - IT IS A PROCESS FEELING EXHAUSTED PHYSICALLY, YET SUPER POWERED UP IN OUR SOULS The physical body is needing to 'catch up' as so many energies are processing and we can be feeling weary, exhausted and 'run-down. Yet, we are also feeling quite super-charged inside as well, it is feeling both. The Solar energy is so powerful right now! = Solar Plexus. STEPPING UP/INTO OUR MASTERSHIP We are stepping into our MASTERSHIP through this as 'Ascension cannot be rushed, fooled or cheated'. New Post on this alone soon!. The energies have been very intense over the last few days with much processing and a lot 'going on' in our dreams. In the human AND Spirit - both. This has elevated recently due to their being just so many doors closing. As a lot of times to do so, we need to close doors to do with others from our past and it may not always be 'appropriate' to do so in person with them. There is so much 'unfinished business' and it is being done in the Astrals (in our dreams) as others' energies are/can be so big and dominant and it needs to be done 'up there' as they are quite a powerful energy (as are YOU). The more we clear through our dreams = the less the astral energy 'visits' = the less others are in our energy space!! Those that we are needing to close doors with that is. There is just so much going on in the Astrals! I've seen so much of when people are 'nice' in the human and then 'up there' its a 'bloody battlefield'. Narcissist traits/personalities just love coming from this space! This is where a lot of their 'deceit' and deception occurs. MASTERSHIP OF THE HUMAN AND SPIRIT = BOTH That's what the Mastership is about, not only in the human but in our Spirit above us, both! As others who have a very strong energy in the Astrals are needing to link that to the human, for themselves! We are unable to do this for them. As many have been playing 'havoc' with others' energies in the astrals and that is an understatement!. To do so, we need to get very real. As those that have been doing so much in the Astrals have been 'hiding' in this for so long. It got to the point that it was extremely difficult to 'pick' up what someone was doing in the Astrals. And only since I was given my spiritual soul was I able to fully see and feel what actually does go on in the Astrals and multi-dimensions with others, and also being/coming from 6D in the human, to be able to bring this insight and information through to you! Qstn: Is that because the veils are lifting for more now? Answer: That and ALL else due to our growth and rapid ascension, as it has been rapid, compared to 20, 10, 5, 2 even 1 year ago (let alone this year as well!) So many 'complain' (I know I did) as to 'how long is this going to take'. If you only knew how many years it took myself and others who are older in human years, to go through all we have at a longer 'drawn out' way of ascension - it is so much quicker now compared to the past. Yet with this has come intensity of energies as well. It is a different way of Ascension, just that - different. Comment: 'So much has happened so quickly, I guess the ego wants it quickly' Reply: Hence the saying that was created: "Ascension cannot be rushed, fooled or cheated'. As yes very much the ego 'wants it quickly'. I know I did and as an extremely powerful energy, this can be one of the biggest breakthroughs to achieve. In letting go of the head/ego. No matter how 'enlightened' one is, and how much unconditional love they come from, this is coming up right now in an EXTREME way with many very strong souls - energetically. The generational release is so huge and a big part of letting the ego/head as it is shifting a timeline, a Completion of a Time-Line. More coming in new post soon on stepping into our new Mastership and our New Coming Home! Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty Anastacia

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