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12th March 2017 - A 'New Door' -Gateway - opened today with the Full Moon energy.

I could just leave this at that, yet I will share the 'other half' of what this means for me :-) and how much more there is to what I share.

As I have two souls, the human and spiritual (new post on this soon), I see and feel in the human and it is like a split screen where I then see and feel what happens and comes to our planet/humanity in the Astrals and Multi-dimensions as well.

So when I shared a 'New Door/Gateway' opened, what actually happened was that I saw and felt this as it came through.

I saw the Gateway/Door in the astrals/multi-dimensions and was a passenger in a car as I saw and felt this as we drove and passed through to this Gateway opening! And for those that may ask, when I am in this energy, I just 'know' not to drive ;-).

I 'go away' quite regularly and have done so for years, due to living in 6D and 8D in service to Gaia and humanity. And at times when we are going through 'changes' I need to remove myself from my usual 'home' and stay with another Master Soul, away from others' energies, to feel and experience all that is going on, and experience all I need to (personally) to then share and bring forth the latest 'information' as it happens in real-time updates on our/humanities ascension as it happens.

Above and below.

So this 'going away' is not a 'break', it is being in a clear space to receive and experience fully. As when one lives in the flow of the Divine, we learn to find our moments or 'breaks' within this ;-).

Yes it has and does 'take a while' to learn how to keep a balance of 'picking up' on so much, while remaining grounded here in the human and linking the two.

I have been doing this for over a year now and it took me a good 3 months to learn how to do so when I was given my Spiritual Soul.

This is one of the main 'areas' that is covered in Divine Master 11:11 healings, guiding and assisting with my energy for souls to link the two, for themselves.

As we need a link from our Soul to our Spirit to grow and ascend - through our emotions.

And as I mentioned, a new post is coming on this soon as what I will be sharing on this, has not been written before as most talk/share about our Higher Selves, yet there is more to this. The article has been started, yet am waiting for Spirit as to when this will be 'released' and shared.

It is only that I am 'living proof' that I know this, from having 'done this' myself in being gifted my Spiritual Soul in Rainbow energy, which I have shared of in the past.

I will continue to 'monitor' this (as I do) and share more as it comes to do so.

Remember we are 'stepping into' our Divine Mastership, for what ever that is for each of us. To do so we are needing to link our Soul to our Spirit and we need to FEEL to do so.

Divine 11:11 Master Healings are available and I have vacancies from the first week of April onwards.

There is more on this on the Blue Beyond pinned post.

Love and Blessings


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