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Energy Update - We are in a 'Great Shift' - "YOU WILL COME THROUGH this as a more evolv

With so much going on right now as we are feeling the Full Moon energies which is leading up to the Equinox on March 27th, I was guided by Spirit to do a reading for humanity at this time.

We are in amazing times right now.

"It's important you stay grounded at this time and not fall into old patterns of behaviours or reactions. This is an opportunity to deal with your feelings and the situation, in a healthier way.

You will not be affected in the same way should this type of situation occur again in the future. You will gain a healthy form of protection on the inside and no longer need to energetically wear a shell of protection on the outside.

Your soul is ready to shine it's light. It is only your human mind that feels it is not ready. Be brave and let yourself out of the cocoon of protection you have created. You cannot fight your destiny-you can only fight yourself. It's time to take flight. You know how the Universe works. Like it or not, if there is something we are meant to be doing, we will eventually find ourselves doing it, no matter how much we resist it. So take a deep breath and take just one step forward to what brings you joy. The rest will take care of itself.

When we reach a certain level of experience and understanding, life will move into a holding pattern until we MASTER it.

You are either about to enter into or you are already in, one of those GREAT SHIFTS. It is a necessary part of your growth and higher learning. You are moving to a new level of consciousness and awareness. In order for this to happen, some of the OLD WAYS of life and of being, must FALL AWAY to make room for the new.

This is is VITAL and necessary. Remain as calm as you can while the earth shakes under your feet.

YOU WILL COME THROUGH this as a more evolved and stable person".

Full reading - Return of Spirit - Cheryl Lee Harnish:


The immunity card comes when we are feeling as though we are under attack. You may be experiencing disagreements or arguments. Perhaps you are feeling belittled, unworthy or misunderstood. Whatever the case may be, there is a feeling of the need to protect yourself. Sometimes these feelings may not involve an individual person, but are perceived from the world at large.

It's important you stay grounded at this time and not fall into old patterns of behaviours or reactions. This is an opportunity to deal with your feelings and the situation, in a healthier way. You are not responsible for what others say, think, believe, or feel. You do not have to own it or try to fix or change anything, in an attempts to appease them. Every person on this planet is responsible for their own behaviour.

The Immunity card offers you a layer of protection from the negative energy surrounding the situation, so that you can respond and take action in a positive manner. This also helps you to see the bigger picture and how to resolve the matter in a way that ensures the highest good for all involved.

Just as your physical body builds its immune system, energetically you are building a healthy response system to negative experiences and people. You will not be affected in the same way should this type of situation occur again in the future.

You will gain a healthy form of protection on the inside and no longer need to energetically wear a shell of protection on the outside. Those around you will feel the shift in your energy as you become more accepting and open to letting others into your personal world.


It's time to come out of seclusion. You no longer need to hide or try to protect yourself from the world around you. You are moving into a new stage of your life where stepping out is important for your emotional, mental and spiritual growth.

It's time to start making new friends and social connections. You may find yourself to join groups, take classes, or engage in social activities. Just as the butterfly is drawn to a flower's nectar, you will find that getting out into the world and being with others, will be a source of soul food for you.

Through these interactions with people and groups, you will start to feel more confident in yourself. You will see and feel yourself blossoming in a very natural and comfortable way. The energy of the butterfly is gently, joyful, and purposeful. You will directly experience this energy and exude it, as you move out into your social surroundings. Not only is this an important part of developing self-esteem and a sense of belonging; it is a vital piece in your discovery of your gifts and special talents.

Your soul is ready to shine it's light. It is only your human mind that feels it is not ready. Be brave and let yourself of of the cocoon of protection you have created. You cannot fight your destiny-you can only fight yourself. It's time to take flight. You know how the Universe works. Like it or not, if there is something we are meant to be doing, we will eventually find ourselves doing it, no matter how much we resist it. So take a deep breath and take just one step forward to what brings you joy. The rest will take care of itself.


Our personal and spiritual growth occurs in a series of rhythms and patterns. When we reach a certain level of experience and understanding, life will move into a holding pattern until we MASTER it. Things will fall into a steady, reliable pattern. We come to know what to expect and how things are going to be. And because we humans are creatures of comfort and habit, we usually enjoy hanging out on the plateau where things are familiar and reliable.

This card has come to you today because you are either about to enter into or you are already in, one of those GREAT SHIFTS. It is a necessary part of your growth and higher learning. You are moving to a new level of consciousness and awareness. In order for this to happen, some of the OLD WAYS of life and of being, must FALL AWAY to make room for the new.

You may find yourself changing jobs or careers. Old friends or relationships may drift away as new people enter your life. You may move to a new home or have a sudden change in finances. On an energetic level, your consciousness is opening to the hidden wounds you carry. More than likely you are feeling very far out of your comfort zone, possibly even experiencing situational depression.

This is is VITAL and necessary. Remain as calm as you can while the earth shakes under your feet. You will find yourself quite pleased with this new consciousness and way of being, once this shift is complete. In the meantime, try to stay open as these changes occurs. It may not feel comfortable, but YOU WILL COME THROUGH this as a more evolved and stable person.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


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