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Final EXTREME and BRIEF 'purging' before the Equinox - 19th March 2017

This may be felt/experienced as needing to 'throw up' - and out, residual energies - emotions of the old.

It could occur as an intensity of a 'rush' of energy of (along the lines of) 'I don't want to be here or I don't want to/can't do this' - or feeling like 'throwing the towel in'.

An EXTREME 'rush' of energies to be released in what ever way each of us is needing to.

Feel it...go with allow this to release in what ever way/form you are needing to do so.

Remember to stand back and allow each to experience what they are needing to at this time.

I honour you in all you are and all you have endured and how Blessed are we to be here at this momentous time.


Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


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