Interim Update - "Stepping 'over the edge' in TRUST and FAITH of the new" - The Pi
"Stepping 'over the edge' in TRUST of the new and yes the old doubts will come in, it is then going 'I am going to trust in this and take that step' - and when we do so, the old then falls away as no matter how many times this comes up, each doubt is something new to push through or leave behind in the bigger picture that all is and has been worked out for us.
We just need to SHOW up in pure Divine Faith and trust and step over the ledge or edge and know our wings will carry us through"
The last 24hours was like being a ship at sea going through a massive was a 'sudden' gust of energies of so many.
With a combination of the Full moon energies and the Equinox energies = Breaking through a NEW GATEWAY - to NEW FRONTIERS.
Going through a 'type' of dark night of the soul and a 'type' of long drawn out, going through an abyss.
Breaking through to new frontiers - several - as part of stepping through and into our MASTERSHIP.
It's tough breaking old habits and ways as we were very comfortable in them.
Jigsaw pieces being put into place.
This is about:
A Leap of Faith
Turmoil of the Old
In coming through a New Gateway
Spiritual Initiation
Big Big Balance - NEW
Part of us shut down or closed down and we built a 'brick wall' or have a dark veil blocking our new Creativity!
Coming out of the 'Blue' - Breaking through to a New Frontier through the GATEWAY.
BLUE RAYS are feeling the energies more so right now as in all we are as transmuters for others and ourselves - and I mean feeling this very extremely where one has going into near 'shock' from this.
Breaking through the GATEWAY really can't be explained - in the human experience.
So if this is you and you felt this and experienced what ever it was for you in the last 24hours, it helps to understand and know that going over 'what just happened' needs to be 'let go of' in this case or situation of energies - as This is just SO MUCH BIGGER THAN US.
And we are being so lovingly supported and guided!
Previous Blue Beyond posts are a lead up to this information/update being shared, as they are a timeline of Humanities ascension in Real-Time.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty