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Anastacia-Blue Beyond 'Living' Update - 7th April 2017

This is a 'living' I am adding to it over hours/days:

The last 24hours was very big continuing on with Ancient wounding/healing...

Being 'singled out' to 'specifics'.

Which is flowing through to the physical, as the emotions may/can be 'trapped' and need to be released...

When we release doors of very powerful energy come through!! They can be a bit overwhelming and one may feel a little light headed or dizzy as this comes through, as it is just so powerful.

8th April - continuation and 'notes'

Am away for a couple of days as more Ancient healing is occurring. Reaching the 'specifics' on a soul connection with another/others in this lifetime that is 'linked' from Ancient times/wounding.

Healing the physical of releasing 'trapped' emotions linked to this past Ancient 'wounding'. Which can be very 'full on'. Depending on what is carrying through to be healed.

As we continue to bring our energy back in (Wagon Wheel method) and protection as the 'attacks' of negative energies/entities increased (as per past recent post) but as I mentioned in past post, to no avail - this time.

Yet many are reaching out for 'assistance' in removing these from a Divine/Supreme level source on all layers and levels.

As when we left as a 'spark' of the Divine, many were 'pounced' upon with neg attachments/entities/energies and many of us have been 'carrying' these with us for so very long.

Ancient Divine 11:11 removals/healings are on offer for those that are led/guided or resonate to this. Please read pinned post or more information available on website.

New doors are opening 'aplenty'.

Will share more soon...

Diary Pm - I am still away during these energies coming through.

There is a hyper sensitivity occurring.

Still releasing and healing on the physical.

Some are feeling nauseous or 'throwing up' or have a 'cold' as part of their physical release - due to the Ancient wounding/healing energy coming through.

Time is/has altered-more obviously felt than past times.

Our body clocks are changing due to this so not much sleep or short naps/sleeps.

I have learnt over the years that this is due to us not needing sleep/rest in Angelic form, that we can 'revert' to this. Yet as human beings we do need sleep/rest and we need to integrate this and re-train ourselves, to follow our bodies as some of us only need a short amount of sleep. And to not 'try and force' sleep.

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