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Ancient Wounding-Healing/Energy 'attacks' - 5th of April - Pt 8

There has been some interesting things going on with dreams lately, clearing the old and there has been some 'attempts' of negative energies/entities on the astral/multi-dimensional realms to (try) prevent us from moving forward - but to no avail.

As we are 'breaking through' again in our new CHANGES as we continue to shine our lights in all we are, first and foremost of our own spiritual growth.

Again to no avail, as we trust and stay true to ourselves in faith and trust of the Divine.

I will share that this is Ancient wounding that is coming through to be healed as there is more to this for each of us as to 'blocks' that we have, that we are needing to 'break through' with our CHANGES going on, as there are many.

When really, it is us blocking ourselves of old 'fears'. As many are feeling what has occurred in the past and then also go into the future - back and forth, back and forth, and then the head can 'kick in' in the middle.

Even if one comes from their heart, please know this is of the old that is surfacing 'in the middle'.

It is knowing the bigger picture that can make ALL the difference. As those I have explained to, just what I am sharing right here and now, shifted straight away. As they continue on in their 'process' they are in right now.

Stop and take a breath and know this is NOT BIGGER THAN YOU.

This is the old, the Ancient old that is attempting to prevent us in moving forward, again TO NO AVAIL.

You who are reading this, have got this. Just feel this, take this in and 'know' this on some level.

Protection is very important now and at all times. Doing the Wagon Wheel and Clock Removal Methods (or whatever you find 'works' for you) of negative energies/entities is important to help with this. As we not only need to put protection in the human but also IN OUR SPIRIT AS WELL.

Both = above and below.

As there are many energy 'attacks' on the astrals from others around or close to us as well. I have written about this many times before. How someone can be 'lovely and nice' in the human but above in Spirit that can be a completely different 'story'. I see and feel all as I have two Souls, the human and Spirit, that is how I 'know' this, firsthand.

Many are in a 'holding pattern' during this time of being in a 'process'. As I have shared (in Pts 1-7) in how I 'advised' that at this time, to be amongst others but keep in one's own energy space and to keep 'chats' limited during this time. As when we 'chat' this opens our energy up and then we can feel all the turmoil and turbulence that is going on with others, as there is just so much change going on.

In this 'holding pattern' what is also happening, is that what ever we have had 'going on for us' floating around, is then allowed the 'space' for us to then 'feel' what is still around us, that we have 'let go' of. As when we STOP this energy also stops 'floating around' and then 'attempts' to place itself back upon us. And if we are not aware of this, we can then 'take this on' and can feel very overwhelmed by it all.

That is why I shared recently as well 'Raise above it'. You have grown so much and are 'bigger than this' now.

You got are not without power in any given moment. Be aware of just what is occurring as has been shared in Pts 1-7. Read and feel into the 'bigger picture' at this time of what is going on in Real-Time.

Of both the Human and Spirit.

Remember to STOP and BREATHE.

Know the trail has been blazed, there is a new way 'through' all of this. As I share all I do from personal experience coming from a space of 6D embodiment. How else would I 'know' to share all I do.

So from one Ancient Soul to another, remember we are going through so many changes right now and you are not who you 'used to be' - you are SO MUCH MORE now.

And I love you and I am with you.

As we 'hold hands and jump puddles together' - of the Divine.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Ascension Pioneer

Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions. All she shares is by experiencing 'first hand' and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Here and now as an Ascended Earth Master. Coming from 6D in the Human and 8D in Spirit, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia.

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