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*Interim UPdate* - Current 'process' - Pt 9

Many are in a 'process' right now, a very new 'Unchartered Process' of CHANGE (Pt 6). That is of ALL OF OUR FACETS AT ONCE.

Which is bringing up fear and overwhelm - as the old, Ancient old is coming up for release (Pt 8).

Keep one's inner bubble/energy to oneself diligently at this time, while then blending and associating with others as one needs to (Pt 4).

Double protection of the Soul and the Spirit assists greatly (Pt 5).

Visualise a horizon, above is an astral figure of you (Spirit self) and below is the human

Clear and Protect BOTH, above and below is enabling a massive difference in coping with those that are doing this.

The Human Soul and the Spiritual, which is linked to our Higher Selves.

After just having shifted out of this 'process' in being in 6D, to bring this insight and information 'through' - then comes a new integration...

More on this step at a time.

Keep adjusting and making *new* changes in the many ways each one of us is needing to, no matter how 'large or small'.

'Know' humanity is in a *new* process of 'unchartered territory' - yet please know, that we have/are been prepared for this in all we have 'gone through' up until now.

Honour and trust the 'process' one is in right now.

We are very ready for this!

We are moving Onwards and Upwards.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Ascension Pioneer

Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions. All she shares is by experiencing 'first hand' and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Here and now as an Ascended Earth Master. Coming from 6D in the Human and 8D in Spirit, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia.

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