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*New* Process - Real-time Update - 1st April 2017 - Pt 4

Big changes are going on.

So much to these for each individual.

These are changes that are nothing like I have ever seen, felt or experienced before.

Now is a 'good time' to pull back from all, with being with others and what we are each needing to do, within ourselves to be with and around others.

Where possible, keep 'chat' to minimum as we are indeed in a very new process of change at the moment.

You 'do what you like', I am just guiding and advising what is helping or is 'best' for us energetically at this time, to help with so many changes going on.

While in this 'process' I was awoken at all hours as much processing was occurring. After a while I went back to bed. I had a Rainbow blanket placed over me. And was let know that I needed to 'do something' with my chakras and to 'sleep' or close my eyes.

I then had new chakras placed on myself, one by one, they were silver and they released or exploded (in a good way) the old chakras and I was let know they were the vibration or frequency of a New Star Gate.

I then proceeded to have a 'dream' to do with colours and chakras and a vision within this.

The changes are so varied and so 'massive' with those around me and it is taking time and adjusting with these.

This is a brief update in note-form along the way or during this process, as the 'regular' Blue Beyond updates have eased during this time.

May this help you in all you are and going through at this time.

More soon as it comes during this new 'process' we are in.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty.


Ascension Pioneer

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