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*New* Process - Real-time Update - 2nd April 2017 - Pt 5

Anastacia-Blue Beyond - *New* Process - Real-time Update - 2nd April 2017 - Pt 5

During our CHANGE 'process' we are in has now come:

Dark night of the Soul - which has been leading up to this over the last couple of weeks - releasing out of Spirit as well - up and out of both a 'double dark night' - in a new and different way

In a different way, of still coping in life on the 'outside'

This change has been very painful for many forerunners as it was just so big in many ways emotionally

But how good it this!

Breaking through the old 'shit' from what we have endured in the past

Bringing through a New Super Strength from within!

~This is a brief update in note-form along the way or during this process, as the 'regular' Blue Beyond updates have eased during this time.

May this help you in all you are and going through at this time.

More soon as it comes during this new 'process' we are in.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty.


Ascension Pioneer

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