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With so many echo's of the past, as we are in a very new 'Unchartered Process', we need to SHIFT SHIFT SHIFT the Old (BB 31st March Pt 3)...and as we do this, we 'free'' up the old 3D to be released.

We have taken a GIANT LEAP up, not just 'a' step but a huge GIANT STEP recently.

Gaia has shifted in to 5D Christ Consciousness energy recently and so those that are 'ready' and have chosen to do the 'hard yards' within, are now moving and shifting and going through so many changes, with (and part of) Gaia!

This is bringing up past Traumas, that are being triggered in the present of the past. Deep deep emotional wounding of the past. As this is part of our RESURRECTION into our Christ Consciousness with Gaia!

As you have/are moving into 5D - in the Human linked with Spirit = BOTH. As we need to link our Soul to our Spirit to ascend.

Which has led to Dark night/s of the Soul and Spirit, up and out of both - a 'Double Dark Night' in a new and different way. Of still coping in life on the outside (BB 2nd April Pt 5).

Remember that it is a 'process' and we are within a *new* process (BB 30th March Pt 2) as it is 'double double'.

As with the March 27th Equinox energy came 'What is it one is needing to CHANGE' (BB 27th March Pt 1).

So with all the changes we are going through in shining ALL facets of our Diamond ~ and no longer shining others'

~ As we are needing to 'hand over the cloth' to others to shine their own diamond facets, as part of our changes ~ leading up to our Resurrection, that this is all 'part of'.

As we do this and in all we are going through, with where we are right now, we are being reminded that Spirit and others in Spirit are very much with us and supporting us. 'Do not doubt them. The more open and accepting you are, the stronger their communication will be'.

'Faith is about trusting Spirit, especially in those times when everything seems as though it's going wrong. Spirit is asking you to have a bit more faith and trust. This is about restoring faith, but not just in Spirit. It's about restoring your faith in yourself, in your abilities, in your choices, and in your heart'.

'Do not doubt yourself or allow someone else to shake you with accusations, should that be the case. Your integrity demands that you do what feels right. Your heart is good. Do not allow any outside influence to leave you questioning it. Spirit doesn't. Carry on doing what you are doing. Just stay true to what you feel is right. That is all anyone can ever ask of you. Often the Integrity card comes to those who are here to do important work on Spirit's behalf'.

Please read the full reading below and feel this within and let the beautiful words and their 'energy resonations' touch you deeply, to help bring through for you, to feel that we have so much love and support with us during these massive massive changes in so many ways in our lives.

MEDIUMSHIP - When thoughts of our departed family member or friends come to mind, it is because they are with us in that moment. This card can be a way for your departed loved one to tell you that they love you and are still very much here with you. Most likely, you are in need of their love, support, and encouragement at this time. And though you can no longer see them, they have not left your side. The other reason this card may have come to you is because you have a gift and ability to speak to those on the other side. It is quite possible that you are not aware of this gift. Spirit is encouraging you to begin to develop this skill. On the other hand, you may be quite aware of your mediumship abilities, but questioning your skills and level of connection. Most intuitives feel they could be more connected, bring through clearer messages, or receive more information. It is hard not to doubt yourself at times, but right now Spirit is saying not to. You definitely have a gift, and sometimes we just simply need to 'get out of our own way'. Try not to compare yourself to other mediums. Just allow your gift to operate for you in its own unique way. Trust and accepting are the quickest ways to nurture your connection to its fullest potential. Either way, those on the other side are reaching out to you at this time. Be open to their communication, in whatever form it may come. Every person on this earth is born with the ability to connect with those who have passed over. Do not doubt yourself. Do not doubt them. The more open and accepting you are, the stronger their communication will be.

FAITH How much faith do you really have? Often we will say that we have faith, until life starts to get out of whack and things fall apart. It is easy to have faith when everything is running smoothly, but what about when it doesn't go as planned? It's hard to remain strong in faith when nothing seems to be going as you'd hoped. This is exactly what faith is. Faith is about trusting Spirit, especially in those times when everything seems as though it's going wrong. Spirit is asking you to have a bit more faith and trust. Being human means our point-of-view is limited and our understanding is skewed and one-sided. From the view point of the Universe, everything is in Divine and perfect order. Everything is exactly how it should be and needs to be, to help move to your rightful place on your path. Do not pull back your energy and trust because things are not working out the way you thought they would. It may not feel good, but you have to honour the wisdom of Spirit and the outcomes that are arriving. Know it is perfect. It is for your best and highest good. Breathe, and trust what is. Allow yourself to let go, even if only a little at first, of any expectations you have. This card is about restoring faith, but not just in Spirit. It's about restoring your faith in yourself, in your abilities, in your choices, and in your heart. It's about restoring your faith in your fellow human and mankind as a whole. Some of the human experiences you've had have damaged your trust and faith. Spirit is holding out their hand to you, but it is up to you to find the faith within and to take hold of it. Regardless of whether you do or not, Spirit is by your side every step of the way.

INTEGRITY This card comes to you today because your own sense of integrity is strong. Do not doubt yourself or allow someone else to shake you with accusations, should that be the case. Your integrity demands that you do what feels right. This is because your integrity is directly connected to your spiritual sense of direction-much like a compass. It helps you align with the Divine plan and take right action. One of Spirit's ways of guiding us is through our integrity. It's important for you to remember that whatever action you have taken, it was the best of intentions, regardless of the outcomes. At the end of the day, it's between you and God-no one else. Keep that in mind. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, it only matters what you think. Your heart is good. Do not allow any outside influence to leave you questioning it. Spirit doesn't. Carry on doing what you are doing. Just stay true to what you feel is right. That is all anyone can ever ask of you. Often the Integrity card comes to those who are here to do important work on Spirit's behalf. These people are strongly guided by their integrity. You are one of them. And sometimes, your strengths and gifts are tested so you can discover for yourself, just how strong they are within you. This card may also come to you if you are trying to deal with someone who is out of alignment with their personal integrity. Regardless of what takes place, do not deviate from your own sense of integrity as you deal with the situation. And do not attempt to fix or change the other person. Send them love and forgive them as best you can, while you remain strong in your own truth and integrity - Return of Spirit Oracle Cards-Cheryl Lee Harnish.

SUPER INNER STRENGTH As we break 'through' the old from what we have endured in the past. This is BRINGING THROUGH A NEW SUPER STRENGTH FROM WITHIN.

Of 'breaking' through of our 'Lion Roaring' from within - for ourselves to be 'heard'.

As this is an Inner Inner break through.

I will continue to share more as we go through this 'together', in all we each are and are uniquely experiencing.

As we continue to 'carry on' in Faith and Trust, that you are doing the best that you can, as when one questions themselves, then that is acknowledgement that we is those that are not questioning and seeking or looking within deep and further...

We are 'not responsible' for others' growth. They need to 'shine their own diamonds' - as we carry on and continue on in SHINING OUR DIAMOND FACETS.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Ascension Pioneer

Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions. All she shares is by experiencing 'first hand' and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Here and now as an Ascended Earth Master. Coming from 6D in the Human and 8D in Spirit, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia.

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