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'When we reach a certain level of experience and understanding, life will move into a HOLDING PATTERN as we MASTER it. Things WILL fall into a steady, reliable pattern.

Because we are creatures of comfort and habit, we usually enjoy hanging out on the plateau where things are familiar and reliable.

You are about to enter into or you are already in, one of those GREAT SHIFTS. It is a necessary part of your growth and higher learning. You are moving to a NEW LEVEL of consciousness and awareness. This shift is vital and necessary. Remain as CALM as you can whilst the earth shakes under your feet.

You will find yourself quite pleased with this new consciousness and way of being, once this shift is complete. In the mean time, try to stay open as these changes occur. It may not feel comfortable, but YOU WILL COME THROUGH THIS AS A MORE EVOLVED AND STABLE PERSON'.

This is about 'Supreme' handing over in faith and trust

Let the Divine 'sort things out'

Keep 'in the flow' - in faith and trust - 'Stay open to this flow. It is HAPPENING for a REASON.

You are BEING ATTUNED with HIGHER ASCENSION ENERGIES which are affecting the planet at this time. And yes, this will be a PERMANENT ENHANCEMENT. TRUST the process of what is happening for you.

TRUST any information you receive.

The more you acknowledge and focus on your intuition, the stronger it will be. It will become clear soon how to use your gift in service'.

See yourself standing outside of a mud puddle and let the Divine clear the waters.

If you feel confused or blocked, check and see...did you step into the the bigger picture (the mud puddle) to 'try' and force or 'work things out' - that the Divine has got covered?

Are you trying to control or make sense of something 'bigger than us'?

'LET GO of the baggage of guilt and shame. It is time to RELEASE these FEELINGS. These long-held beliefs are buried within your core and they are interfering with your progression.

It's time to RELEASE any shame you carry about who you are, or guilt over actions you did or did not do. These old values only lead you to question whether you are good enough, deserving, or worthy. What if I had done more? Been more? What if I hadn't done that? Why did I say or do that. They make you question if you, as a person are enough.

You need to see your Innocence, no matter what you may have done or when. This is the first step to HEALING your HEART and SPIRIT.

It's important to delve below the surface of any feelings of anger, hurt, or disappointment. Within your heart, allow yourself to see the innocence in another persons' actions or behaviours. This can bring a profound healing and may even help you to see your own Innocence.

Spirit is calling you to begin to see your innocence and Divine Perfections. This one simple act will allow the seeds of SELF-FORGIVENESS and SELF-LOVE to blossom within'.

'Let your voice be heard! You are a beautiful and wise being of the Divine, made to bring forth your individual truth and expression. No more holding back. No more staying small. You are being called now to use the gift of your words and the power of your voice. What you have to say is important.

What you have to share is needed.

You could be finding yourself being asked to step-out in front of groups to talk or you may be finding that situations keep coming up where you are being given an opportunity to be vocal about what you think, believe, or feel. For many of us, this does not come easily. Often, we have had past experiences which discouraged us from expression ourselves openly. It is time to begin to heal those old understandings and ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE SEEN AND HEARD. Each of us has a unique expression. Whether you are being asked to sing, chant, pray, speak or teach - it is your voice that needs to be heard. This can also be related to simply stating what is true for you in your relationships. It could involve stating your point-of-view, needs, or desires - regardless of how different they may be.


Speak from your heart and your words will always be heard. Your voice is a gift and it is meant to be shared. You are about to empower yourself in a way that you have not experienced before. You will notice that by taking this step of being vocal, you fall more into alignment of what you are really here to do' - Cheryl Lee Harnish

It is very much time to let our 'Lion Roar' from deep deep within...of freeing ourselves in a new way. Even those who have spoke their truth, this is a new 'Super Inner Strength' (Pt 6) from within.

Let our Voice be heard! - Remembering to SPEAK FROM YOUR HEART

Coming from SELF LOVE and RESPECT of ourselves.

As when we set NEW BOUNDARIES with OURSELVES, this allows others know as to where 'we stand'. And then it is remaining TRUE TO OURSELVES in following through with new boundaries, in a way that we may have not felt we 'needed' before.

LET GO, SURRENDER and TRUST in a 'SUPREME Leap of Faith'. Up and over the ledge we go as we take that step into the new and allow our wings to fly and carry us ONWARDS and UPWARDS.

We are 'not responsible' for others' growth. They need to 'shine their own diamonds' - as we carry on and continue on in SHINING OUR DIAMOND FACETS.

As we do this, this then allows others the 'space' and opportunity - 'choice' to 'shine their own' Diamond.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Ascension Pioneer

Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions. All she shares is by experiencing 'first hand' and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Here and now as an Ascended Earth Master. Coming from 6D in the Human and 8D in Spirit, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia.

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