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The new crystalline grid had to come in before the old could be dissolved.

This resurrection has been a process as I was given a message '14 days' a little while ago and it has taken up to 13 Pts of articles in this process.

Slow process but rapid compared to what we have been through or endured so far.

Resurrection of both our Soul and our Spirit = DOUBLE.

Linking the we need to, to grow and ascend and this is through our EMOTIONS.

Our emotions and to feel them are so vital and 'important' now more than ever as our LINK from our SOUL TO OUR SPIRIT.

Which is linked/connected to our Higher Self.

Where our true wisdom lies that filters down into the human and back up again.

A conduit or link through our emotions.

So those of us/you who feel so deeply, this is our cherished 'reward'.

A deep deep healing of a lifetime of who we really are, that one 'placed a mask on' to cope as our 'real' deep sensitive natures were not understood or nurtured.

A great sense of rejection, of feeling 'left-out' - deeply felt .

As due to this we felt 'spiritually confused'.

Which led to us feeling weighed down or encumbered.

"It's a process of peeling back layer and layer to get to the softness inside that has been covered up in so many ways due to survival".

All that you have endured and gone through up until now, is having an opportunity of a life healing from so far back when we were younger in this lifetime.

Are we still 'holding up the umbrella' - protecting or holding the space for others?

No more! As many have been doing this for different 'family members' on another level in Spirit!

"Closing the umbrella and letting others fall in to their chosen path, to truly withdraw and just focus on the self, which is not selfish".

As we shine all our Diamond Facets one by one yet overall, the WHOLE AS WELL.

Rising up and Shining on!

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer

Ascended Earth Master

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