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I would like to share a written 'report' from a recent Supreme Healing removal of negative energies/entities and a chakra healing, repair, balance and more.

These removals are done at the highest level to source and there is much to them. Each are different and unique. So after this one, will be another, so one can see the difference. As there is no comparing as to what occurs for each person. This is done in both the Soul (the human) and the Spirit.

I have done many of these and there is a 'lot to them', yet I do these for a very fair exchange as to the energy that goes into doing these (refer Pinned post as to further details/enquiries).

It is a long read, yet if one takes the time, it is like watching a movie or reading a script as it is just amazing as to what is actually seen and then done.

There has been a 'common theme' lately and that of Ancient negative 'group' energies in the astrals that people are still linked to, although they have done all they can in the human and with others. As often they are the people that are 'guided my way'.

I write what is happening as I see it, so the words when one visualises and feels into this, are living healing words.


Supreme removal of negative energies/entities, chakra repair, healing, balancing and more...

I am seeing 'warring' light beings with shadow energies. Not just one, but many, a group or two groups.

This is your past Shadow energy of fighting on 'both sides'. Back and forth you went, a double role and one which you are still part of in the astrals and multi-dimensions.

This is unique as have not seen this with group Ancient healings that I have done.

You are there voluntarily still doing this!

You need to stop fighting the fight up there..and am saying this to your Higher self right now. You have paused mid way and are looking at me now..You are just very still.

You are talking to me now and are letting me know, about the injustice...and are still in warrior mode 'up there'.

I am asking you to 'down your tools' and come back down here in the human..or join the that way 'up there' is being taken care of now. We have come so far and Spirit has 'got this'.

That is why you chose to come in as a human being as you can do more for the greater fight of reclaiming the light in the human.

You are considering this and feeling into this..You are now transmuting into light to do you transform into light, this is how you are now helping, in a new way.

They way of the Ancient fighting is over in this way. Just think of how many more you can assist by coming back into the light in the human. As you have a 'naughty' side to you, I see it and feel it and acknowledge it as I do/did too. I understand dear Warrior brother.

Yet really, the greatest 'war' is within ourselves. The shadow and the light and this is what you are needing to transform right here and now..and we are doing this together. As I am leading the way in all I am too.

That is why you were or have not been able to remove this, as this is within you!

Own and accept your shadow side...and now can see two figures, the shadow and the light starting to blend and merge together...owning both sides of you now.

You both have surrendered your fighting tools, which are shown as putting swords down.

Letting go of the old - the Ancient old..'that way is no longer' I am told to share.

I can see your light body and dark threads all through you, will ask the Arcturians to come in and remove these, one by one now, it is a process.

The shadow you is now hanging his head down...admitting defeat one could say or surrendering as he is worn out and exhausted. This is not defeat..this is victory in owning oneself fully. There is a difference!

You are nodding and acknowledging this. You are so strong yet have a deeper compassionate side that you were protecting with the shadow side.

Time to come home to yourself and to stop 'defending yourself' this was a form of protection.

Its okay to feel vulnerable..its okay to be gentle...these are traits that are pushed down when one is a Warrior as it was a way of survival...and now the survival is about your and your soul - and your Spirit - both!

Let go of fighting! As often the ones we fight the most is OURSELVES..and that is just what you have been doing for so very long. I know as I too/also did this and it took me a long time to not do this as well.

So this is a new starting point.

You have broken away from the groups..and are floating down the middle out of that energy as a white and dark energy, both. An integration process is occurring right now.

I will see if there are any negative attachments but for now, it has been YOU within yourself and you need to own this other voice as you! Talk to it, own it, make peace with it..validate it.

Recognise that our perceived 'weaknesses' or our gentleness is our actual strength! And stop fighting yourself!

As those two integrating energies are coming down I can see above your crown chakra a huge horizon dark energy of a platform of dark energy from another time. Can explain more in our skype healing.

As I call in the Arcturians I am being told it is a 'false' other world, from another planet, from another time.

You did a 'stint' in the underworld.. I too did this ;-), that is how I know.

I am now bringing up all the energy from this other underworld up..and breaking through that horizon line I was seeing...dissolving it, as we raise you up!! You have been down there a long long time.

Your Golden Spiritual Warrior just broke free!! Up and out Shining so Golden and bright and huge.

It is wrapping up the dark and light you..more like going through you both as this Golden figure is going up to Source, but bringing through you, the both of you, a Divine Healing like no other!

You were a Creator God of another planet!!! I was as well, again that is how I know..there is much to this and will share more in our skype healing.

We are freeing this Golden Warrior god..and it is healing the planet and all the people that died as well...he is leading the way for ALL of these souls to now go to the light!

This energy is now going through the dark and light you...and healing and mending the separation.

A new you light body has been formed...I am asking now for a removal on all of you.

Along the lines of the clock removal but so much I go...

Took a while to reach Gaia...asked the Arcturians to remove one layer of old I go in again.

Time to repair your chakras above you as there was corruption, a disconnection...

Golden chakra templates are going on...and as each is created it is linking to the next below it...4 3 2 1 to your crown chakra now. As they are newly forming each has a thread or link to the one below...this will continue as your new chakras are still clearing so much old black energy in specks, like a spinning wheel flicking off bits of old dark specks of mud. I will continue to link your crown to your 3rd eye.

Your third eye is very powerful and it is sending energy back up all those is a central balancing point before I can continue down to your throat chakra..Will observe and continue on when I am able to.

Your 3rd eye is now pulsing with energy and need to close this up a little as in, it is way to open and overwhelm of energy.

Re-calibrating it now...

It was forced to be open from the past as a form of 'torture' am shown and told. I will now remove that negative entity that is/has been doing this.

A master Wizard/Shaman of the Dark Arts/practises I am told.

He tired to lash out and reach me...but I am so protected with so many layers...He is getting frustrated he cannot reach me..and now is looking for 'weaknesses' in my energy field.

He is only getting his own energy back and he is frustrated at this....He was pressuring you as he was frustrated and was taking this out on you, to relieve his frustration.

He is very wounded and went over the 'edge' of now removing him with the Arcturians.

This is Ancestral! This was brought down and through you from your Ancestors!

This is what I saw that just happened. We gave him your old template to help him on his way. He was happy with this in his 'insanity'. Then the vision went to you laying on a table and being strapped down.

The straps started to release, you got up and were a golden being of light and walked off..he was then placed on the table in that 'spot' and the ties or straps were not re-forming but being healed.

He was then taken away up..and as this happened ties were removed from your DNA and your cells.

He is still being taken away from the Arcturians..while this is happening...the ties are coming up and out of you, at the same time...a Dual healing and removal.

Im bringing up Gaia's green energy to fill you from your feet is a process that will continue and I will I continue to do your chakras.

I have now put a yin/yang symbol in your 3rd eye to continue to help you balance this as it is opening and closing over and over...this will continue and now to your throat.

The blue is flowing beautifully actually...I have re-inforced it with the Gold template.

Heart is nearly closed and withered and am shown like a shrivelled piece of fruit.

As we bring the gold is giving juice or life force to your heart..that will also continue now.

Your Solar Plexus has another planets energy inside..very white and so huge...this has been dispersed and we are now placing a new golden sun energy within you..and the dragons are assisting with they are humming as they place this in. This is so beautiful and special..The Ancients are here with you doing this! Very Sacred my friend.

It is a fluctuating coloured ball of energy, that is very powerful and they are calming and slowing and re-calibrating it to form a new golden sun energy just for you, in all you are as you are very unique!

The are breaking through many barriers to place this and are doing this now..They are strong enough. I am going to assist and remove these energies.

I had to remove your old Solar plexus chakra and the Arcturians took it away and the Dragons were able to gently gently place a new one. They are honouring it and giving prayers and blessings to it.

They just flew amazing is this Erik!

That is your strength...and another central point...and now as this is now in place..we can go to your sacral chakra.

Wounded and abused sacral...removing many lifetimes of child abuse..whether you know of this or not..this is here and now being lovingly and gently by one..beautiful compassionate angels are taking out each one of these.

A brand new baby was placed in there..remember this is symbolism.

This is transforming into a new orange placing the gold template from your solar plexus down to continue the process on. This strengthening and re-forming.

And slowly releasing old we clear this a new link to your base chakra will form.

Here it is...strength, valour...wisdom...not fighting for survival as that energy is over now...a new base of safety and protection...transmuting the old to the new now :-).

Very strong and large, like your 3rd eye in a bringing the Golden emulate in and placing a yin/Yan symbol to balance this out as well, which will continue.

A new Earth star chakra is you have managed and survived up to now is nothing short of a we are miracles Erik :-).

Joining up to Gaia from all the way up top, down through your charkas...and there was a wobble to the right of your heart charka..the lined bent out to the side...a break in your aura..will go and investigate and repair now...

Now bringing Arcturian Divine Light beam, similar to clock removal..down through each charka a very BRAND NEW LINK TO THE DIVINE!!

Took a much interference energy but we did it! to clear all the other energy off and around you..

The dark and secrets...confusion and long time coming...frustration and despair..these are the words that come as I am at about 3 o'clock...anger hatred...we are removing these resonances from your energy and aura and in the astrals and multi-dimesnions as I am doing this..will keep on sharing..

Inability to in produce children in the past...sadness..wallow..despair...withering and dying..time to remove this..up to 7 o'clock' much is being removed like a scraping off..

And now a little break as this is intense and you need your energy to take a breather before I continue...again balancing and adjusting...

Balancing and stabilising as very wobbly energy overall of the while..strengthening and firming a balance for you before we continue..nearly there my friend, nearly there.

Bringing through Peace and Love are taking breaths now and regaining your energy and strength.

All of those various healings that have lead up to this removal..are now all blending in before I can continue as part of

At 9 o'clock..and your energy nearly went to fold...but went back up again...removing that energy from the past.

A lot happened just then...healed a tear in your aura energy....loads of old energy from the past is now releasing....

This has just shifted into a whole new healing process of a new grid being formed for you in the astrals/dimensions that is being done and taken care I am not able to tune into this..the Dragons and the Divine are now doing this.

We are done! So much is still continuing with all I have shared that will continue.

And now I see you resting and an eternal peace like no other that you have ever experienced...

Supreme cleanse/removal of negative energies/entities on ALL layers and levels in the human and Astral and Multidimensions and healing, balancing, clearing chakras within this as well.

As I tune in the/your energy is extremely heavy and am transmuting this with the Violet Flame before I am even able to go into your energy space. As this is around and on you.

As I do this, the following words and energy are in your space and so know that while they are written down, these have been healed and removed. As all I did was documented as the following occurred in real-time, so you can follow the flow of the energy in reading this as well. Even if you do not understand it all, just take this information in.




Hierarchy issues

Stubbornness and controlling




So many negative energies floating around as I continue to pick up and shift these as they are being removed by the Arcturians

It's like you have and are picking up on the energies of the world and they are staying in your energy field and we need to clear these to 'get through' to your true energy.

Continuing on...

Cutting away old 'decayed' energy now..there was bouncing off as I do this...calling in the Divine with extreme gentleness to do this in love and light of the highest as this is where this needs to come from, as this is something 'different' and I can see why I was 'called on' to assist you with this

You have been 'carrying' this energy around with you since Ancient times I am shown and told

A Darker Magician energy is there that I need to remove

Am seeing through the void to do this as I have been there and back and can do this safely

Okay, this is your shadow side of in the past being a Dark Magician and that is a good thing, it is not negative and we can talk more on this later, as I need to explain this to you more and its better in person. So it will be interesting if you resonate to this in reading this. We will see.

I am freeing you of this now...

I felt into down the centre of you as this is no longer attached to Gaia, it had no 'footing' in the new earth of 5D we have shifted into. I removed it up and out through the centre of you.

I also removed to the left the old dark energy of the half of the Feminine that was being blocked and also to the right which is the masculine as this was blocking you balancing both.

Your energy is rocking gently left and right to find a very new balance. I am bringing this energy into a huge Golden Infinity symbol balancing your new feminine and masculine energy now.

Okay, just got the message we have now freed you! Of the past, so you can continue on in all you are of the new.

I am now able to do the clock removal on you and 'tidy up' negative energies/entities personally off your actual energy now.

Half done and Rainbow energy flowing down your left side.

Other side done and released this off all your chakras.

Christ Golden energy flooding you now and then Arcturian White Light as well.

Now the 'next' step for you, to go in and repair your chakras as they were not functioning properly at all and are very slow and sluggish and unbalanced.

Here we go...

This is new and different. There is a link from Gaia and then also the Divine 'meeting' up starting at your base chakra and you are receiving both energies, this was very life saving I am told.

As the two energies are blending and healing they are balancing the Divine Feminine and Masculine at the same time and then from this such powerful energy, old energy is pouring out being released, past lives, eons I am told.

The red is growing stronger and stronger now, building up strength and energy.

As I removed all of the old energy that was just spewing forth and out and sent it to the light.

A new yin/yang balance energy symbol was placed there to allow this balance to continue now. This will continue to transmute the dark to light I am will take a little time, yet it is happening and doing this now as we honour and allow this process as this is so guided by the Divine.

As this continues we go to you sacral chakra now.

Another removal of energy from all your chakras was done as many layers and levels to this!

I needed to remove more energy from that past that was in your energy field of dark energy. It has now gone as well.

The same is occurring with you sacral. Releasing of both Gaia and Divine energy together as the base.

Okay, this has just gone up through all of your chakras and four above your head, they are now all going through the same process to your direct link with Divine Source!

This is just amazing to see, feel and do.

So much old 'garbage' is being released through all of your chakras. A full re-alignment, and balance and clearing at the highest level back to Source!

Okay, as this is going on, a surge of energy came up further from Gaia, pushing up through all of the Chakras at once. Like a river level rising up and up and up...

Shifting and lifting the old debris up and out.

Will continue to monitor this until the 'water' is clear all the way to Source.

Gaia is now bringing up Green healing energy transmuting and helping as well. I am told for you to keep using Green energy from Gaia from below upwards and the Violet flame of energy from above downwards, both to help you to continue to heal and transmute energies for yourself.

That are intermingling and doing powerful healing in your Solar plexus which is our place of power. For you to bring your power back in, as due to all removed you were not able to do this before.

And now while all of this is going on a new Golden light is coming through in your Solar Plexus a very new empowered you!

And it is flowing upwards and downwards and out, radiating like a new sun!

Flowing outwards and a new breath of energy just swept through me which is through you.

As this energy is now flowing from your solar plexus outwards, shining so brightly

You have now entered into the Divine Christ Light!! Fully embodying above and below.

This is just magnificent to see and be a part of!

And this new sun energy is now pulsing with a new life force for you in a way you have never known before!

Growing stronger and stronger, while all else is continuing with what I shared, as this is a process as this is so very big.

And now your meridians are balancing out and new being formed.

Healing and repair is occurring on your energy in the Astrals/Multi-dimensions now.

Further Golden Christ energy is flowing up and down now over all of the above.

And now as this continues as it needs to of the Divine, am flooding this with Christ Golden energy and the Arcturian White light.

This will all continue as it needs to as I continue to monitor this through my day.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer

Ascended Earth Master

Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Pioneer/Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions. All she shares is by experiencing first hand in being very REAL and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it comes through.

Coming from 6D in Human embodiment and 8D in Spirit, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia.

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