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YOU ARE ABOUT TO EXPERIENCE A SHIFT IN YOUR FREQUENCY - 'Reading' for humanity -  17th April

"Stay focused on where you want to go in your life and how you want to feel. Don't worry about the details of what you think life should look like. The Universe is infinitely wiser than we are, with our human point of view. Just know and trust that things will come to you in the perfect order, and in perfect time. We don't manifest anything that is not part of our Soul's plan.

You are about to experience a shift in your frequency. A frequency shift offers when the soul is ready for the next part of its journey. However, this does not mean that our human consciousness is necessarily ready. Thing things that alter during this period can be difficult to endure, but you will make it through and be much better for it.

Basically everything will get shut-down. This happens because your energetic engine is getting a complete overhaul and it cannot be left running while it happens. But just note that, one complete, your connection will be stronger than ever.

It's time to stop looking outside and comparing yourself to others. Your gifts were never intended to function or work exactly the same as another person's gift. By looking at how others are 'more' gifted, or 'better than you', you are unintentionally sending energy out to the Universe which says you are 'less' than. This action is the very thing that is blocking your gifts from developing to their fullest potential. You cannot compare yourself to anyone else. If you see greatness in someone else, it is because you hold the quality of greatness within you.

You are doubting yourself; questioning who you are as a person or whether you have anything of value to give. Your unique gifts are very needed here on the planet. Spirit is asking that you place your doubts aside and start to cultivate self-worth and personal value.

Trust your soul's wisdom in choosing the path you are on.

You play an important role in the cosmic plan. This is Spirit's way of giving you a much needed reminder - that you hold a great worth and value!

Just as you are, right now in this moment - you are enough. It is time for you to begin to understand your own worth and value.

You need to see yourself. See just how valuable you really are. Your worth does not come from what you do or how you behave. Your worth comes from the fact that you are part of the God-Source. Once you fully realise this, you will play an invaluable role in helping others to discover their own worth too

Full Reading below:


Energetically, everything is falling into place. You are coming into a high point where you will find you are able to easily manifest the people, things, and situation you need to carry you forward on your journey. The energy of manifestation is a creative force, and right now it is in full flow for you. Stay focused on where you want to go in your life and how you want to feel. Don't worry about the details of what you think life should look like. The Universe is infinitely wiser than we are, with our human point of view. Just know and trust that things will come to you in the perfect order, and in perfect time.

We don't manifest anything that is not part of our Soul's plan. So while you may not win a lottery, you can expect to experience ABUNDANCE and EASE while these energies are here. This is a great time to play with and learn about the order of manifesting. While you will notice that most of what is manifested is done by the Higher Self, a smaller portion will be manifested from your consciousness mind. Explore it fully and have fun with it!

Anything can be manifested at this time, so do not limit your potential. Your soul knows no limits. You are a creator and able to naturally turn your energy into physical manifestation.

You can use this power of manifestation to help you gain understanding about your purpose, to help connect you to the right people or organisations, or even aid you in gaining the financial resources you require. Really, the sky is the limit with this one. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Hold in your mind, that it wasn't intended that you use your ability to manifest for yourself only. You can also use this to help others who may not be able to help themselves right now.


You are about to experience a shift in your frequency and this card comes to help prepare you for the upcoming event. Being ready and knowing what to expect, can help you to get through the transitional period.

A frequency shift offers when the soul is ready for the next part of its journey. However, this does not mean that our human consciousness is necessarily ready. Thing things that alter during this period can be difficult to endure, but you will make it through and be much better for it.

Most often, when this shift begins, we will experience depression or a feeling of needing to withdraw from the wold. Usually there are events that take place, just before this shift, which cause a need to step back from the world. It is during this specific part of the transition, that it feels difficult to relate to other people. Your path and purpose may feel as through they have vanished. You are left questioning everything you have done and worked toward, up to this point in your life.

The intuitive faculties will also take a hit. It may seem that your connection with Spirit has been completely severed. The guidance you once received will be silent.

Basically everything will get shut-down. This happens because your energetic engine is getting a complete overhaul and it cannot be left running while it happens. But just note that, one complete, your connection will be stronger than ever. More than likely you will also have a new team of guides working with you. This is so you can bring through these higher energies in whatever work you do. You will be more focused on your purpose and doing the work of Spirit, than ever before.


This card is a reminder that you are most certainly talented, gifted, and skilled in a very special way. It's time to stop looking outside and comparing yourself to others. Your gifts were never intended to function or work exactly the same as another person's gift. By looking at how others are 'more' gifted, or 'better than you', you are unintentionally sending energy out to the Universe which says you are 'less' than. This action is the very thing that is blocking your gifts from developing to their fullest potential. You cannot compare yourself to anyone else. If you see greatness in someone else, it is because you hold the quality of greatness within you. That is how the world Mirrors ourselves for us, by seeing ourselves in others.

This card can also come if you are experiencing fear or apprehension about sharing your gifts with the world. Underlying this fear and beliefs and doubts about whether you are enough, or good enough. And Spirit is asking your to start addressing those beliefs immediately. Sometimes our fear of sharing our gift is the very thing that blocks us from discovering how we can best use it in service to others.

In either case, the Gifted card comes because you are doubting yourself; questioning who you are as a person or whether you have anything of value to give. Your unique gifts are very needed here on the planet. Spirit is asking that you place your doubts aside and start to cultivate self-worth and personal value. You were given certain gifts, because only you can bring them to the world in the way you do. Trust your soul's wisdom in choosing the path you are on, and the gifts you are here to give.


You are one of the loving spirits who has come to be in service to humanity this life time. This strong desire and need to give to your fellow man is embedded deep within your soul's blueprint. You play an important role in the cosmic plan. This card has come to you today as Spirit's way of giving you a much needed reminder - that you hold a great worth and value.

You can no longer question whether you are worthy or if you have value in this world. We all look to our physical world for confirmation. We question whether we are good enough, wanted and needed. We want the world to tell us that we are doing well and that it wants what we have to offer. But your value and worth cannot come from anyone or anything outside of you.

Just a you are, right now in this moment - you are enough. It is time for you to begin to understand your own worth and value. Spirit is asking that you start now, to understand just how important you are. Begin by asking yourself: How much would you value someone who was as kind to you, as you are to others? If you met a person whose inner heart was as caring and loving as yours, would. You value them in your life? If someone gave to you as you give to tothers, would you value it? Of course you would.

You need to see yourself. See just how valuable you really are. Your worth does not come from what you do or how you behave. Your worth comes from the fact that you are part of the God-Source. Once you fully realise this, you will play an invaluable role in helping others to discover their own worth too". Cheryl Lee Harnish - Return of Spirit Oracle Deck.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer

Ascended Earth Master

Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Pioneer/Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions. All she shares is by experiencing first hand in being very REAL and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it comes through.

Coming from 6D in Human embodiment and 8D in Spirit, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia.

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