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Looking subconsciously for our SELF WORTH through others!! - 18th January 2018 ~ Pt 3

Yes, you, even though one can be in and come from so much light and love, deep deep within what is coming up is our own SELF WORTH!

Especially Blue Rays and Empaths

At our deepest family/generational ancient core within ourselves

For so long it has felt very ‘normal’ for so many of us to care for others in the human and energetically

‘Normal’ as in, it is like part of our essence to do so or in our ‘makeup’

Our core DNA and generational energy that we have brought through with us

We have a double ‘role’ here energetically

In the Human AND the Astrals!

Now this is SO vital for our self perseveration energetically now

As this has heightened with many who ‘knew’ of energies going on in the astrals but not ‘really’

As after sharing and guiding and going through this with many and for a little while now, this has come through more strongly now as to this transition ‘stage’ we are going through right now

Of someone ‘protecting’ their energy yet still they are feeling or being ‘bombarded’ with energies from someone else, especially those close to them

The games that people play in Spirit, the Astrals is SO VITAL to really be aware of!

So many are ‘detached’ in the human with their emotions and therefore are very ‘sneaky’ or ‘naughty’ as they then do so much in the astrals.

What does this mean?

It means there is an other YOU in the astrals in Spirit. Picture an outline of you floating above your head.

Then there is you in the human as well.

Double - above and below = Spirit and Soul

Now, lets keep this ‘simple’ for now without going into what’s above that and anything else that one may ask with this.

So while one may protect themselves in the Human, they are not realising that one ALSO NEEDS TO PROTECT themselves IN SPIRIT.

As our Spirit is linked to our Higher Self...lets also just keep this ‘simple’ as well on this I have shared a post before on our Soul, Spirit and Higher Self and our Nomad Soul.

I know this as ‘fact’ as living proof of being gifted or earning my Spiritual Soul as well = BOTH

Through a near ‘checking out’ experience one time when Jesus/Christ Energy came to me and our palms touched with Rainbow Energy.

And the message was something like ‘you now have your Spiritual Soul’.

Well, my whole world or worlds changed from that moment on.

Where I could see and feel all that went on in the human and ALSO in the Spirit with someone and in the astrals and multidimensions as well. Which then extended out to be able to see this for humanity as a whole as well!

I then started living a ‘double life’ and it took me a few months to settle and adjust to this double energy...and that was a few years ago now, so I have had ‘time’ to learn more and how to navigate in the human with this.

As in linking my Spirit with my Soul/The there is so much to this and again, is one of the main areas that I assist others with this, teach and guide them so they can help themselves with this.

As that is quite a large ability or gift to have been blessed with. As Ancient Kabbalah writings and Buddhist say our Spiritual Soul is only achieved when we die...yet here I was gifted this here and now, still living in the HUman.

So this is a first and something new I am bringing through to humanity, with and for humanity as an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/Way Seer. In service to the Divine and Gaia.

That I needed to own and accept and learn about and with, linked to the Divine, a direct link to Source, after going through the Abyss and touching Source and coming back...that is the ONLY way I have coped and survived with being ‘able’ to see all or the ‘unseen’ with souls in the astrals and multi-dimensions.

As I was in 5D for 8years and in 6D for 2-3 years and now am in 7D in human embodiment and that is just fact. And I haven’t really shared about being in 7D yet as so many people reacted and flared up and carried on when I said I was in 6D lol. But in saying that, I will probably put in 7D human embodiment after my posts now/soon.

I am not here to prove or justify myself to anyone, this is my truth and as always, I stand by ALL I share and say. One only needs to read the testimonies where people say this themselves, that a 1:1 Divine Healing is Beyond words. No self praise needed here...just realness, facts, Unconditional love, truth and honesty...all the way ;-).

So while many have ‘known’ about protection they really didn’t quite ‘get’ about how vital for self perseveration of energy, being aware of the games people play in the astrals or spirit and the NEED for DOUBLE PROTECTION ALL THE TIME.

This is not just a one off...when one is severely attacked energetically enough on the astrals it can be life threatening! And has been for many of us.

Where we may have just protected ourselves oh, every now and then, to then realising that a.m. and p.m. it is so vital to do so, for self perseveration energetically.

And even then, if one does this and is going to have an interaction with one close to our hearts to then ask for more support from above as well with this.

We are not able to just ‘cut off’ soul contract we chose these souls to help us learn and grow to empower ourselves.

So we get ‘smart’ about it...we realise that so much more is going on than in just the human alone.

That energy ‘games’ are being played from a negative space from and with others.

And that we now need to really really get ‘serious’ in a way, yet lightening up with it taking FULL RESPONSIBILITY of our energy.

In the HUman and also in Spirit.

Of pulling our energy back into ourselves into our own Incubation spaces.

Minding our own business energetically with others..not even tuning into where others are ‘at’ and expending very valuable energy that we so need for ourselves.


Yet this worth, this self worth really needs to come from us! And not ‘searching’ for validation through others.

As remember, many may be aware of this yet so many are still coming from this space subconsciously with close family/group energies.

As this removing our energy into our own spaces on a larger ‘level’ is very new, this transition with group/family energies.

And is something I have only done recently at this level/scale myself in the recent weeks.

Which = this energy is now here for us ALL to do so in our Spiritual evolution in our Ascension!

Spirit and Soul - linked through our emotions.

Much love to you all as I continue to share from my private incubation ‘space’ journey/transition over the next week or so.

As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos 7D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer Australian Correspondent in5d Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available.

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both - of the Divine - through human embodiment of being in 7D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2018. Copyright ©

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