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Behaviour/Impulses that we needed in times past that we no longer need - Part Two - 9th Feb 18

WaySeer/Template for humanity update Anastacia-Blue Beyond - Behaviour/Impulses that we needed in times past that we no longer need - Part Two - 9th Feb 18

It’s been very interesting lately especially over the last two days...

As in, in shifting older versions of myself (in what I have been sharing of lately) there has been like a release of an old me, a facet of an old me, that recently was part of myself, that I ACTUALLY SAW AND FELT SPLIT OFF and LEAVE or be RELEASED!

And with this was a huge surge of emotions that left with this was then dissolved in this leaving was intense briefly as this happened and I felt completely different and like I had removed a complete layer or shed a complete skin as this happened

This has happened twice now in the last week, the second being right now, which has led to me sharing this here

Let me give an example:

We have many facets to us...we have multiple and multidimensional selves...and so in the human there is a side of me or a part of me that reacts in a certain way or behaviour in a certain situation and has done so for a very long time

Let’s say this is an impulse of a behaviour that was part of myself being able to cope in the past - a part of me that had a behaviour that was not beneficial to the new me now

Yet it was a part of me and my behaviour in a certain situation from the past, that had formed due to circumstances at that time..something I wanted to change that I knew was no longer beneficial for me to be this way

Due to forming new threads for a new tapestry, I had been feeling into old threads bit by bit over this year and so when I had fully explored these old behaviours and they no longer served me as in, that way of being and doing things, that vibration no longer fitted

And so that facet of myself, that old impulse pattern behaviour of a way I was, split off, left, released, purged or Spirit and Soul = Both

And as I shared, with it was an intense deep feeling as it I sat and basically saw and felt it go, I rode through this and did not act on this impulse as it released...yet I felt it so intensely and strongly as it left, deep in my core

As this is about impulses/behaviour that we needed in times past that we no longer need!!

I say need, as that is what we needed to do and experience to learn from

And that we come to a place of this no longer ‘serves’ us

As we are much stronger now and so we can now lovingly release these older energetic facets of ourselves

When we have continued to consciously explore and felt into deeply to our souls core of really making a soul choice that we no longer want to live or be this way, this facet of ourselves - this is the ultimate final release, disintegration of a whole facet of the old for ourselves that has occurred in a very new way and I am sharing this here with you here and now as this second facet only just occurred!

As there is much to this...yet we do need to start by bringing to our consciousness what we may be been doing subconsciously as an accepted way or behaviour that no longer assists or serves us

This is the ultimate release, final release or shedding of an older facet of myself as template for humanity as a WaySeer, that one step ahead of the rest of humanity in all I AM

I am guided to share this personally here with those who do resonate to this in some form of understanding by feeling into this

As how exciting this new release is now available for humanity like never before...

As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos 6/7D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6/7D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both - of the Divine - through human embodiment of being in 6/7D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2018. Copyright ©

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