Super Moon, Blue Moon, Lunar Eclipse = A Triple phenomenal amount of energies over the last 2-3 days
A triple powerful energy to bring to light and to finally finally reveal of what has been like a build up of energies in our Spirit (another astral ‘us’ in the astrals/multidimensions, which is linked to our Higher Self) of energy betrayal ‘above’ that has reached a ‘tipping’ point
Of where once close relationships that are/were part of our soul contracts in what we each have needed to learn and grow - from reached a TOXIC point, a ‘spill over’
*Of what was once ‘family energies’ of some form with soul contracts, that a parting of ways energetically was very much needed and came through in new family group energies that commenced in the later part of 2017, as documented and shared of this progress in past BB Energy Updates*
It is like bringing to the forefront any shadow or negative energies that were ‘hiding’ in so called light in Spirit and the Human have been REVEALED!!!
And it has taken a lead up of the last 5 days and then majorly so the last 2-3 days for this to peak
These energies as to how we are feeling this in Spirit and the Human are literally ‘off the charts’ in what we have been feeling and experiencing
2 nights ago there was a night of ‘no sleep’ and one learns to ‘go with this’ and to ride the energies ‘out’ and through’
As veils have been lifted and ‘finally’ a revelation of a Betrayal in Spirit has ‘come to light’ as this is Ancient and so much ‘bigger than just us’
*What I am sharing here is through personal WaySeer/Trailblazer/Ascension Pioneer experience and of others in my close spiritual family as well, to bring through and share here for you to resonate to for yourself, as this is one of those times when this is purely as guided by the Divine that was not able to be fully picked up or translated in the human, that is why I say this one is much bigger than us*
Of feeling we have gone through a gauntlet not only in the Human but also in Spirit as well especially with this ‘betrayal’ energy that many have felt so personally
I wrote a brief urgent energy update yesterday but was not guided to share publicly and will do so now:
Urgent Energy Update Anastacia-Blue Beyond -BETRAYAL IN SPIRIT that CAN NO LONGER BE HIDDEN - 30th January 2018 Many are now feeling this and so deeply in the 5 days especially This is very old and ancient and so much bigger than us so to speak Yet this has come up and it is linked with a close spiritual connection/s That for those who are really feeling this has been quite paralysing for them! As this has come through as a huge trauma in the human or the physical I cannot emphasise enough in words how HUGE this is right nowI have been assisting others through this recently and each time I shared it was to do with a betrayal not only in the human but IN SPIRIT that can no longer be hidden, each soul on some level resonated to this and said they felt this That is why I am sharing this briefly here now for those souls who also resonate to this for themselves in what ever they are going through Of a link with someone who we have allowed into our personal space some ‘time’ That is why this has been so very traumatic! As this was on such a personal level of Beyond what we have been experiencing in the human this has now been elevated and revealed as to the Betrayal in Spirit = Trauma in the Human (This is also linked with the Triple Moon energies arriving) I will share more soon as guided as I am just coming through the ‘other side’ of this myself now...
And this more is now
As I have just come through this myself and have personally guided other souls around me through this for themselves as well
That is why I have needed to ‘wait’ until I could share more here
As there has been feelings of:
Numb Detached but not High high energies of feeling spacey but again not Feeling ‘lost’ Unsure of oneself Feeling at a ‘standstill’ which is allowing older thought patterns of doubts and insecurities arise to flow out with non-attachment
~Of being GENTLE with ONESELF at this time especially~
This has also affected pets/animals as well who are with us helping us to transmute
There has been immense ‘trauma’ being felt in the human as to the betrayal in Spirit that if one is not aware of this, will not fully understand why one is feeling as they are
As even if one is not going through this personally this is a ‘whole’ humanity feeling of betrayal that has been now revealed!
That is now being ‘addressed’ energetically by many or those who I AM of the Divine have been assisting through this for themselves, whilst also going through this myself
It was a personal yet family energy a new family energy of going through this
Of releasing old family energies and into our new personal spaces to then all go through this separately yet together in new family energies of those who vibrations and contracts are to continue on and through closely now
Does this make sense? As there are a lot of energies weaving through this and the triple Moon energies as well, has been a most triple intense ‘time’ energetically in both Spirit and the Human
Of where this had led some to feeling very paralysed in the human in the ‘not knowing’ of the betrayal energetically in Spirit
Yet for those who I have shared with about the betrayal in spirit, those who this was happening to or with personally, each person could feel this on some level of ‘knowing’
As again, this was and is so much bigger than us of an Ancient and very very old betrayal that is finally and finally OUT and has come to LIGHT now!
That is why it is so important that we do not ‘blame’ others for what is ours as in, what we are needing to learn from our close interactions or energy exchanges
Yet to come from unconditional love and self empowerment of ourselves and to ‘say what it is’ for us in the human BEing
In setting very new boundaries with those who we have previously been close to especially and of course others as well
As often behaviour we have ‘taken’, off or from others close to us, that we would not have ‘taken this’ from a why are or do we allow ourselves to let those closest to us speak or treat us with disrespect?
As we care so much and we offer love to those close to us, yet we need to really realise that now, many of those who were close to us are not coming from the loving space we are
And sometimes we need to take names and labels off our connections with others (de personalise the connection) and view them as a human being and would we allow another human being to speak or treat us as they have?
It has taken a few days to write and share such a mixture of Triple energies ‘all rolled into one’ energy in bringing this through as a template for humanity in Spirit and soul linked - two souls - has been quite the interesting ‘challenge’ with this post ;-) - so this in itself in bringing through what I AM sharing in the human as a first is such a massive *NEW* breakthrough of energies as well
In coming through this myself I can share this new Inner Strength and Excitement energy is just so TRIPLE POWERFUL!!!
And this is feeling this within for oneself firstly and not emptying out our vessel in ‘spewing’ out our precious and vital New Inner Triple Energy that has come through with this, once one has been through their ‘gauntlet’ in Spirit and Soul of a Triple Amplification of ALL
As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos 6/7D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available
Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6/7D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both - of the Divine - through human embodiment of being in 6/7D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2018. Copyright ©