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Changing our lives in a New Permanent removal of an old thread/facet - Part Three - 9th Feb 18

Anastacia-Blue Beyond - Changing our lives in a New Permanent removal of an old thread/facet - Part Three - 9th Feb 18

Release of an old tapestry thread/facet and weaving in a new thread in creating a New Tapestry that comes from DEEP DEEP WITHIN

This is about a NEW PERMANENT shift or change, releasing and LETTING GO of an old facet/thread of ourselves that is ONLY JUST NOW AVAILABLE in this way for BOTH SPIRIT and SOUL!

This is coming up for people with eating disorders, child abuse and so much more

As one may read this real-life story below and say oh this is just about being stressed, I shift that all that time...this is about a ‘stress’ that dominated this persons life from within that was not seen that they kept to was a major part of their lives that resulted in a life-long loop or cycle of Depression

As this is not just changing words, this is not only just shifting in that moment briefly on the surface only - no, this is feeling this deeply of something in our lives that was in a way, very controlling for us - that was deep seated and something that we may have hidden from others as to how we really felt inside that we have learned to cope with, that it kind of became the ‘normal’ for us

This is about changing our lives in a new permanent removal of an old thread/facet and weaving new threads that will allow us to finally be free of something that has been very controlling from within in our lives


Here is a real life and a current example of what I was sharing about in Part Two of a final thread removal of an old tapestry - an old facet of self that no longer suits vibrationally

(As what I shared in Part Two was as a WaySeer, Template and Ascension Pioneer going through this completely firstly in both Spirit and Soul)

Of a behaviour or an impulse that one has integrated or woven in as a facet of themselves:

This person felt stressed at work and they felt this and said to themselves - ‘hold on, just take minute as I don’t need to stress about this anymore like this’ - and then they shifted this to the start of a new thread of something like: ‘I need to change priorities and do what I do and not stress about this anymore like this’

As they said they could feel the stress and pressure of work building up on them and in them as well from this

(Remember this was a very big part of their lives in which they stressed for years, as long as they could remember deep within...that left like this, ended up in Depression...which they had suffered from since they were a this was a facet of themselves that no longer serves them vibrationally they have grown and are stronger now within. This was/is and old thread of stress/depression that was woven throughout their life)

When they then said this to themselves to not stress and shifted it, they felt a little shift and relief as this = an old thread of stress was now starting to be pulled

And with the new self talk from deeply within, that is starting to bring in a NEW THREAD to be woven in place in their new tapestry - in place of the old for themselves

I shared the bigger picture with them (of what was new for humanity that I experienced as in Part Two of the full release of this old thread/facet of ourselves with this person and encouraged them to continue this when it came up - as in them feeling and recognising this ‘stress’ and how eventually by doing so, they will remove this thread - and weave in a new one of ‘I don’t need to stress about this anymore like this’.

And by doing so and personalising this for them, they knew and felt the purpose of this and they even said ‘this is different and real and this is happening now’ and I said yes it is and isn’t it amazing!

This process of feeling when they are stressed at work, and to take note and to talk to themselves and to shift this with ‘I don’t need to stress about this anymore like this’ is what I have been sharing about recently about our New Tapestries we are weaving Part 1

As Pt 2 is the final result of this self talk and shifting an old behaviour or instant impulse over and over...pushing through diligently to the final release of the old facet of oneself that is the result of doing this diligently and really feeing this deeply that this no longer suits us

This is how we shift and change an old facet, or remove an old thread and weave in a new thread of our New Tapestries!

It is continuing to see this see this thread completely removed and not by just doing this once...but to continue to pull and pull at this ‘stress’ thread by replacing with those words = a new thread

So as you can see, this does take time and diligence to do this...with a facet or an old thread in our lives that we no longer want woven in our new tapestry as these threads have been with us for a very long time!

Yet, it is the starting that is of the utmost importance here and the diligence and the follow through or the continuation of this

As this soul knowing this bigger picture and acknowledging and working with this made ALL the difference in them feeling EMPOWERED within in a new way

As this is very AMAZING

As I know many are now finally ready and able to face some very deep traumas and areas of their lives to finally shift through these and I send so much love and encouragement to you through all I am sharing in Divine Love

As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos 6/7D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer

Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6/7D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both - of the Divine - through human embodiment of being in 6/7D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2018. Copyright ©

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