Filling our ‘vessels’ up - 21st January 2018
Anastacia-Blue Beyond - Filling our ‘vessels’ up - 21st January 2018
Many of our ‘vessels’ - our energy is at an ‘all time’ low.
The lowest that I have felt in only the 2nd time in 23years!
Our ‘beakers’ of energy, our reserves of energy are either at 0% or very low
As I was given a vision of like a clear glass ‘container’ for the purposes of like measuring a liquid.
As an empty vessel with 0-100% and we are now filling up our vessels, like liquid being poured in, bit by bit.
The more we allow ourselves our own Self-Preservation ‘space’ which will also take ‘time’ (3 months was given recently) - the more our vessel can ‘fill’ back up
And as this amazing clear liquid (our energy) commences to start to rise, then up rises the old ‘swamp’ water purging up and out as well.
(This can change colour so beautifully as well, a light blue and pink and so on)
We can utilise this vision to assist us greatly.
One can tune in and ‘see’ for themselves what % is ones energy ‘at’.
Mine was 0% and now it is rising to 14-15%. So this is ‘slow’ rising, even for myself as a Trailblazer/Ascension Pioneer.
‘Slow’ as in, this is taking time and space to do so. Yet not slow in how just vitally self preserving this is for us. As what is 3 months of our lives in restoring our energy reserves!
To allow ourselves the FREEDOM from others energies to do this is very much a part of this or essential for this.
One can also tune into this visualisation for themselves if their energy reserves are being ‘utilised’ or starting to be ‘drained’ and this comes as seeing the liquid starting to boil.
This is a gentle ‘Warning’ of the situation of energies with others, is starting to ‘affect’ our own ‘energy reserves’.
As our vibration raises we see, feel and receive more insight/guidance/information through visions.
What one finds is challenging to put into one will find the words, its a process.
As that is what I have been needing to do in sharing all I do that I see...its what has not been put into words before...and that is a part of why so many resonate and share that they ‘didn’t have the words for’ - or the energy updates are what they are feeling that they were not able to put into words. This is 6/7D energy.
So as we allow ourselves this New Freedom in removing our personal energy from/with those who we have had soul contracts with in the past, that have now altered...we are gifting ourselves an opportunity in Self Preservation, to allow our vessels to be slowly be ‘filled’ with clear Divine Energy.
And as we do so, this pushes up and out old ‘swampy’ energy.
The old needs to be released for the new to come in and fill ‘back up’.
Clearer, stronger of only YOUR energy!
Not anyone else’s..
As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos 6/7D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available.
Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6/7D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both - of the Divine - through human embodiment of being in 7D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.

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