Can we just get back to linking our Higher Self, our Spirit to our Soul in the human and being very real?
As so many people can get stuck in that they feel they are doing ‘something wrong’ and it is realising that they are not grounding their information
As there is so much information around right now that is ‘all over the place’
So much is being shared from the astrals and Beyond and it seems more common now that what is ‘missing’ is the link to the human - the realness of linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions
As it feels that so many ‘hide’ in the astral and beyond realms
And I say this as I talk to a lot of people and feel into all and there is much going on in the human that is not being felt while being so spiritual in what is being shared and that is okay, there is no judgement here!
Please know this
Recently I took a little step out of my own space to look into what is going around right now energetically in what is being shared
There is much about old earth, new earth, being our higher selves in the human
I will share here again some information about our Soul, Spirit and Higher Self:
SPIRIT “The person that you are and the person that you will become, when you are no longer physical is your spirit. The spirit is the nonphysical essence of the you that you know of as yourself. It is you without a physical body and free from time and space.
HIGHER SELVES The next link upward in the chain is your higher-self. This is the part of you that exhibits and possesses all of your best and most proficient qualities. It is the person that you can evolve into, from your present perspective. This self is a being that is both separate and part of you. However, for argument's sake and clarification, we can say that your higher-self is what you will become, in the future, when you complete your evolving in the physical development system
MONAD The last step in the chain brings us to the Monad. The Monad is a direct aspect of the force you know of as God. Your Monad supplies you with the life-force, love, and attention that you need to maintain your existence. Your Monad is ultimately responsible for your evolution, within the body of God. Your Monad watches and makes sure that all other aspects of your being work in harmony toward that one goal. Your Monad is one shade away from God and is one aspect of God that makes you, your spirit, your higher-self, and your Soul uniquely you”
When people say and share they want to be their higher selves here, it does not quite sit with me fully. Let’s look at this part again about our Higher Self:
“This self is a being that is both separate and part of you. However, for argument's sake and clarification, we can say that your higher-self is what you will become, in the future, when you complete your evolving in the physical development system”
I recently watched a video of someone who stated this as have others and yet while all was being shared about energies, what came through from the human was anxiety and so much more
There is no ‘escaping’ the human feelings and emotions and linking them to our Spirit...as someone can be sharing of the Divine so beautifully yet that is ‘half’ as the other ‘half’ is bringing through that energy to the human in unconditional love from within
There are so many souls who resonate to realness in linking the Spiritual to the human now more than ever before
I know as I skype often with many souls who are searching for that ‘something else’ as they have all the spiritual information yet they have reached a place of needing more to help them to cope in the human in linking this and having this explained to them for themselves from the Divine
And it is life changing for them and I mean literally
So much abuse has come up more so recently with many souls as well, I mean there has been a huge surge of souls finally coming to a place of being able to now start to face and deal with things that occurred for them in the past and I so honour each and every soul for what they have personally endured for not only themselves, yet for us ALL
So I have had my little poking my head out and seeing and feeling into what is being shared...and now its time to bring myself back into my personal space of the Divine
To continue to share my Ascension/WaySeer/Pioneer/Trailblazer updates and continue to build my website and to offer 1:1 Divine Healings for those souls who resonate to or are guided by the Divine within for their next step on their soul and spirits journeys
As we ‘wait and see’ in real life in the human of what will actually transpire in linking our Soul to our Spirit and not only in Spirit only
As we live in two worlds, the Spirit and the Human and it is a blending of both through our hearts in Divine Christ Consciousness and unconditional love and starting with ourselves
Of being very real and grounded while feeling also what comes through in Spirit in the astrals and Beyond
As so many people can get stuck in that they feel they are doing ‘something wrong’ and it is about realising that they are not grounding their information...we are not ever wrong, we are ALL learning and growing
So it is time to be very kind and loving and nurturing and supportive of ourselves...as this is not about others THIS IS ABOUT YOU
And I say this with love, that it doesn’t matter to me who you are, what you do or what role you have in humanity or how many ‘followers’ one may have, we are all human beings here to link our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions
As our Heart is the key...our heart of hearts and our link to the Divine in unconditional love
As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience over the last 23years
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos 6/7D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available
Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6/7D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both - of the Divine - through human embodiment of being in 6/7D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity

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