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We are in/needing 3 Months ‘space and time’ for our SELF PRESERVATION energetically

Anastacia-Blue Beyond -We are in/needing 3 Months ‘space and time’ for our SELF PRESERVATION energetically - 20th January 2018 ~ Pt 4 When one has been through the ‘trauma’ of/with someone close to them, then comes the ‘Lightening UP’ as a way of further coping and dealing with a situation/person.

Yet, this does take some time, a little or a lot to truly reach this space to come from.

This is major trauma associated with a closed ‘loved one/s’

It is about staying out of an old loop and being concerned with what another soul may react, think or feel.

It’s about realising they are not us, and to STOP being concerned with what the other person ‘may’ feel. As they are not ‘like us’ who feel so deeply.

That is our ‘processing’ and not ‘theirs’. So its about pulling our energy out of theirs and ‘minding our own business’.

As this is looking for self value or worth through them refer BB post 18 Jan 18 Pt 3

Spiritual Family, wether by birth or not, it doesn’t matter...the heart and soul strings are still ‘there’ when it comes to soul contracts.

What has come through is that what ever we are in a process with ourselves, is needing 3months ‘space and time’ for us to facilitate through our current ascension/inner transformation

*It is not often that I will share a date or a time period for any processes, as there is so much individuality in each souls growth and ascension, linking our Spirit to our Soul through the human emotions, linked to the Divine. Yet this has come at this time for knowing this now can allow us to expand our energy and create space and time for ourselves in taking a breath and slowing down any head kicking in of ‘are we there yet’. To create some peace and space within ourselves to take any ‘pressure’ off ourselves in wanting to rush to move this is so vital right now, as we have truly been through so very much and are Beyond exhausted on ALL levels. Which is now being felt majorly through the Physical in that ‘the last place we feel a shift is on the physical’

NEW HIGHER SELF RECONNECTION In/with a new reconnection to our Higher Selves, we are having to remove or have HAD removed energetically our energies in the astrals in Spirit with those close to us that we have been experiencing so much with - lately. And by this I mean towards the end of 2017 when family/group energies/connections started altering in a MAJOR way.

This was shared on the 30 Oct 17 Pt 5 - update of where old memories/experiences resurfacing. Grief, sadness, stubbornness in letting go of the old.

3 Nov 17 shared of old timelines collapsing/dark night of the soul and healing several old timelines.

7 Nov 17 was a big wake up call of coming through a gateway of energy from old family issues-traumas,

generational lineage wounds. Past issues of trust of shifting out of an older energy that no longer ‘serves’ us. With a New Birthing.

To New Inner Child energies have arisen on the 9 Nov 17.

Massive burning off the dross, radical breakthrough on the 12/12. Where the masculine merkaba earth star was damaged.

And on the `14 Nov 17 the Final Call for the Goddesses energies to arise. And how this was generational/past life.

As this was further shared about or more on 17 Jan 18 Pt 2.

How on 17 Nov 17 it came to STOP doing so much...of reaching the top of a mountain and having to stop just for a moment for however that moment is, was shared..and now is being shared this moment is now 3months. As a further flow and follow on of our Ascension Timeline.

This led to self survival not self sacrifice anymore and into self empowerment 30 Nov 17

And then came ‘we have headed off the original Great Fall’ of Atlantis/Lemuria 1 Dec 17

Which led to a Deep Spiritual wound from first incarnation arising from this on 7 Dec 17

To a Total Letting Go of losing ALL on 10 Dec 17

And on the 12 Dec 17 a New Ground Zero in our Solar Plexus

Old family loops coming back to a starting point from years ago on 21 Dec 17

27 Dec 17 we had the arrival of a New Galactic Sun energy.

Then came to ‘protect your rear’ energetically of wanting the old family energies to be as they were, as they are ‘no longer’.

What is ‘ours’ and what is ‘theirs’ and taking care of oneself energetically of energies being amplified on 29 Dec 17

And then the major transition energies from 2017 to 2018. Where many were coming from conditional love and manipulation that we are now able to now more see and feel.

5 Jan 18 shared of Of Crossing over a double abyss in this cross over of year energies. Of feeling abandoned or lost. Of needing New Boundaries and Taking Our Power Back. Self blame filling a void with our head. Creating new space and time. Final surrender in trust ourselves in Spirit and Soul. And how traumatic this was. How we are healing a major past life with family/group energies. Self survival not self sacrifice to self empowerment. Old family loops going back to a start point from years ago. And ‘False Entrapment’ of old family energies leading into a breath Birthing with a Rebirth.

Of ‘we are only just beginning’ on 6 Jan 18 of now raising above situations, of seeing from a different vantage point. Of releasing the old links and wounds from our first incarnation.

And then on 7 Jan 18 came the New Lemuria/Telos energy that has come through! Which I will share more soon or when it comes, as to what ‘this means’ in the human and Spirit for us


Already one person in a 1:1 Divine Healing has a new link with the TELOS Energy that I was able to bring through and share with them.

On 9 Jan 17 it came for our True Voice needs to be heard with others. As for many this is new and something that we are not ‘used’ to, especially with close family members. As it is very much ‘time’ for us who have been quiet or more silent to do so now!

10 Jan 18 Spoke of ‘climbing our own mountains’ and letting our WINGS UNFOLD. And no longer justifying ourselves. And an amazing Ascension Timeline of all updates shared going back 5 months. Which is a healing in itself to read and feel this timeline.

12 Jan 18 shared how to ‘Go now, Take charge of the situation and Freedom’. In regards to family/group energies. New Abundance. Loss of Faith and Trust in the Divine. Reconnecting with our Higher Self. New Birthing Tunnels.

New Compassion Black Madonna energy came through on 14 Jan 18. As so many are now facing their ‘darkness’. This is really coming out more now with many going what labels call ‘Manic/Bi-Polar’ and delusional as well....Narcissist energies are really really ‘ramping’ things up.

The we came to Cutting of the old Umbilical Cord/New Womb energies and not really feeling a connection to ones Higher Self, due to this on 16 Jan 18. And to not play a ‘blame’ game. And be aware of ‘distractions’ energetically.

Pulling back and creating our ‘new home’ in our New Womb. Of our energy only.

Then came Incubation ‘stasis’-Self preservation energy on 17 Jan 18. Of ‘flying under the radar’ energetically..and keeping our energy ‘reserves’ for ourselves and not ‘handing our energy over’ to others.

Which then came to subconsciously looking for our self worth through others on 18 Jan 18....and now this was very deep and generational and ancient. And how we really need to protect in both Spirit and Soul.

We are in still in the incubation ‘stasis’ energies right now as I have shared I am in this for myself and am sharing whist in this space.

And now it has come more than once about we are needing to be in our own spaces for 3months to adjust for ourselves and for others to ‘learn’ to be in their own energy, without our energies being ‘so available’.

Many are in their ‘stages’ of what they are experiencing with our Ascension Timeline which has been further broken down here compared to the massive all inclusive update of the past 5months shared on 10 Jan 18

And as shared, this will take us 3 months of adjusting for keep our energy ‘reserves’ for ourselves. As so many are feeling Beyond exhausted right now. And the last place we feel a shift is on the physical.

SELF PRESERVATION is at the forefront here within all else one is currently going through with what has been shared here.

It is ‘all of the above’ still with many.

I am so looking forward to ‘going away’ for 3 days and nights into ‘the city’ on Wednesday 24 Jan 18, with the ‘tap on the shoulder’ from the Divine.

It has ‘been a while’ since I have done so as something very HUGE always occurs during such a ‘time away’. And I usually write and document all that goes on, to then come and share here with you all.

So until then, I will continue to share what I am guided to as I AM here.

Please keep up your FAITH and TRUST in yourself and the Divine as I ‘know’ you can and are able to get through all you are going through right now.

As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos 6/7D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available.

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6/D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both - of the Divine - through human embodiment of being in 7D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.

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