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Yes it is going to be okay and Yes you Can get through this - 13th Feb 2018

Ascension Soul and Spirit UPdate Anastacia-Blue Beyond - Yes it is going to be okay and Yes you Can get through this - 13th Feb 2018

What are we actually going through in our human reality linked to our Spirit, as in new frequency activations, personal shadow energies releasing, new gateways, ego/DNA being healed and so on that we may read about?

In the last week-the last 3 days/nights literally not-stop, we have been pushing through to a new brink of tired and exhaustion at a whole other level as we are emerging to a NEW SPIRITUAL LEVEL and burning off old dross - with the Partial Solar eclipse, New Moon and Dark moon energies

‘Just prior to any such initiation there are usually spiritual trials and tribulations that one goes through when one feels they are being tested, often to their limit. At this time there is usually a great deal of confusion and one can have a sense that everything is too difficult and too much to deal with and resolve’ - Mint Bush Australian Bush Flower essence (ABF)

‘From deep spiritual wounds that we hold in our psyches. Often these wounds are ancient possibly from past lives maybe even as far back as our first incarnation. The wounds show themselves in this life as sabotage patterns that are held in the casual body so they are hidden from our conscious awareness’ - Pink Mulla Mulla ABF

So for many there has been a bringing up and out of abuse and trauma, addictions and anything from our past that is now ready for us to have released/revealed - at a whole other level!

*For those feeling a ‘lull’ in financial, this will pick-back-up again as we have reached a new ‘base-level’ and we can only go upwards and onwards from here at a whole other level*

Even if one feels they have worked through or faced something in their lives before, when there is such a push/breakthrough, emerging through to a new spiritual level, there are facets of our past, buried very deep that we may not even have felt or known was still there to be released - remember, this is at a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL - this is related to deep spiritual wounds from past life, first incarnation

So it is a balance of what we read and resonate to with information as guided and then also feeling in the human, our Soul as well as Spirit = both

And not bypassing the human in what we are going through in real-time in the human being

Please honour, respect and tend to and nurture yourself, the human being in all you are going through right now

As this has been a Beyond time of ‘testing’ of a spiritual initiation as we break-through old deep buried patternings that we may not have realised were ‘even there’

I so honour each and every one of you who are brave enough to do so!

As you are at the forefront of humanity in all you are feeling and experiencing!

And you are most definitely NOT ALONE

As Always I Am Right Here With You

All I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from over the last 23years of real-life personal experiences

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos 6/7D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6/7D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both - of the Divine - through human embodiment of being in 6/7D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2018. Copyright ©

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