Anastacia-Blue Beyond - SOUL—>SPIRIT—>HIGHER SELF—>MONAD - 21st Feb 18
We have our soul in the human, linked to our Spirit which is linked to our Higher Self - then the last step in the chain brings us to the Monad (this is not shown in this 6/7D ) diagram as I want to keep this to just the Soul -Spirit - Higher Self (for now) yet I do want to share that:
The Monad is a direct aspect of the force you know of as God. Your Monad is one shade away from God and is one aspect of God that makes you, your spirit, your higher-self, and your Soul uniquely you - due to having both my Human and Spiritual Soul, this is the space I come from - more on this further
Both the human soul and the spiritual soul need to be linked/connected in order to be able to function in all dimensions, without being ‘blindsided or knocked around’ energetically
As to protect oneself in the human alone is the below, yet there is still the above in Spirit
Can you see how vital and important it is that we protect both our Spirit and Soul as in our energy spaces above and below?
How we really need to be aware of both?
As in our spirit energy space of the astrals and multi-dimensions is where most energy ‘attacks’ occur
Where someone knows and feels something is not quite right but they just cant seem to work it out
Here is a little more information on this:
SOUL Our Soul is the essence of us, a part of the Divine in human form, Spirit embodied in a human body
SPIRIT ‘The person that you are and the person that you will become, when you are no longer physical is your spirit. The spirit is the nonphysical essence of the you that you know of as yourself. It is you without a physical body and free from time and space’
HIGHER SELVES ‘The next link upward in the chain is your higher-self. This is the part of you that exhibits and possesses all of your best and most proficient qualities. It is the person that you can evolve into, from your present perspective. This self is a being that is both separate and part of you. However, for argument's sake and clarification, we can say that your higher-self is what you will become, in the future, when you complete your evolving in the physical development system. The Higher self is not in the realm of our physical reality’
‘True freedom comes about when we truly connect with the Higher Self’
Ascension Pioneer 6D Diagram/drawing This ‘drawing’ is the first time I have been able to actually draw and share as to what I have been living in/seeing for around 3yrs now - It has taken all this time for me to finally be able to actually physically draw this as it came through energetically to do so, free-hand as guided
(I have shared previous diagrams from the Divine through myself before and they are not to be re-done or altered to make things look ‘right’ or to be corrected - as this came through strongly energetically to finally share)
Our Higher Self is not of our physical realm and we are not actually able to physically fully embody our Higher Self
Yes we can be connected to our Higher Self with more clarity and being more connected as we grow, yet it is through the link from our Spirit to our Soul that we bring this connection through in realness to the human being - through our EMOTIONS
If we are coming from our Higher Selves or Spirit only, then we only have half the ‘picture’ or half the ‘information’ that is available to us
Where one can have a ‘knowing’ yet that will not sustain for what we are feeling or going through in the human
As many do get very ‘lost’ in coming from Spirit/Higher Self only and wonder why they are not able to ‘cope’ in life in the human
We are now more in touch with our Spirit and our Higher Selves through our Soul in the human than we have ever been before!
When we are in touch with our emotions we can have a link between our Soul and Spirit
This is what I live and have done so for 3yrs now when I shifted into 6D as am now in 6/7D as this is my last lifetime here
And was blessed with my Spiritual Soul as well as my Human Soul when I did so. Here is a little more on the MONAD:
MONAD The last step in the chain brings us to the Monad. The Monad is a direct aspect of the force you know of as God. Your Monad supplies you with the life-force, love, and attention that you need to maintain your existence. Your Monad is ultimately responsible for your evolution, within the body of God. Your Monad watches and makes sure that all other aspects of your being work in harmony toward that one goal. Your Monad is one shade away from God and is one aspect of God that makes you, your spirit, your higher-self, and your Soul uniquely you. Now, as distant as that Monad may sound, you can touch that force. This force will help you to understand events in your life that are eternal in nature. This force can supply you with all the energy and love that you may need at any given time. Many people have felt the force and love from their Monad, in those moments of desperation when all hope seemed gone and the end seemed near. This force is like a sweeping, all-powerful love that seems to come from within, but is bright and strong enough to break free of the body and encompass the energy that you are aware of that is you" - wisdomsdoor (.) com
As we have two souls (two selves). Our Human and our Spiritual. "The Being, the Inner-Self, the Monad, has two Souls; the first is the Spiritual Soul, the second is the Human Soul. The Monad, the Being, creates, fabricates, develops his Two Souls - vogue (.) org
In the past, we were only given our Spiritual Soul when we crossed over. I am able to share this with you as I was blessed with being 'given' my Spiritual Soul in 2015 in a vision of Christ putting his palm to mine of a Rainbow energy and was let know I was now in 6D, during a near death experience
The Spiritual Soul was in the past only given when one crossed over or died, so to have both is a first and new for humanity in being an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer
So when one is guided for a 1:1 Divine healing I am able to see, feel, tune into and share not only what is happening for you in your soul-from your souls core, yet also what is going on for you in your Spirit and your Higher Self as I directly communicate with your Spirit/Higher Self from my Monad of the Divine - in helping you to help yourself
As ALL is revealed, the seen and the unseen of the Divine in unconditional love, truth and honesty - past, present and future as in, the future of where one is currently at, if one continues in the energy space they are
The 1:1 Divine healings are literally like no other on the planet due to having a link from my human soul to my spiritual soul, having both souls here and now
My ‘door is open’ of the Divine as I am now able to offer more Divine Healings per week. As there are two available for now, with more information on the pinned post.
Those who are guided and feel to do so, the way is open and provided - As always I am right here with you -
As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from 23yrs of personal experience.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos 6/7D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available
Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6/7D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both - of the Divine - through human embodiment of being in 6/7D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity

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