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In the last two weeks I have shared about the energies coming through electronics that have ‘amped’ up drastically, to levels that I have not personally felt in the human before, albeit it was only a brief line about this on each occasion

I have something very huge to share with you that I cannot stress enough (or de-stress) how very big this


~Please read further as to how I have not been able to Ground myself completely in the last two weeks~

Let me first share that, a few years ago we bought a plug in the wall device that was to remove Electromagnetic Field (EMF) energies from my home and we also bought separate discs for phones and computers/iPads

I also looked into an orgone pendant to wear as well. Now we are talking about a few years I have been looking and not quite feeling which one to buy as there are so many yet nothing quite resonated

Now, come forward to the present or the last two weeks...

I could feel (yet little did I realise how much this had changed greatly) the energy in ‘electronics’ had increased. The ‘Electro’ essence kept coming up in my flower essences (as these are done a.m and p.m) - again and again. In the past, it would come every now and then, if I was on my computer or phone a lot and then it would be okay

So slowly for the past two weeks there was a slight increase in pressure behind my eyes and in my head, just subtle but still there and my energy was low as we are all ‘tired’ from processing so much right? and so I just let it go as due to the energies coming in as all else has been done as in checking my neck and so on for an adjustment, supplements, water and so on

Yet I knew inside, this is not the ‘usual’ length of time this ‘hangs on for’ as in ascension symptoms - over the last 23yrs as comparison

Again I just went with it, as I do, monitoring as I go...

Today I went to the yearly Mind, Body and Spirit festival - as guided

There was a stand that had Australian made Orgone products that I resonated to very strongly

I knew then we needed to update from the previous plug in the wall one as I could feel it ‘no longer worked’ and so we bought one and discs for phones and laptops that will be taken out of the home.

And then I saw the pendants!

I felt oh I will get Blue but no, it was a Violet disc shaped pendant I was drawn to

As soon as I put it on, I went Ahhhhh out aloud and the lady there said she could feel that in me :-)

The change was like a BIG switch that was just turned off!

As I walked around I then felt immense pain and heaviness in my legs and feet and found it painful to walk...the pain behind my eyes and in my head was slight pulsing...I knew it was the clearing out of the Elecromagnetic Radiation and Bioplasmic Radiation (Human Generated) being cleared from my body and energy field

Over the next few hours, up to now in sharing this as this was literally only a few hours ago that I put the pendant on, my feet and legs and my eyes and head are now pain free!

I am not tired! - and that is very big in itself

I feel very very different and CLEAR...I feel calmer and more settled, just so very different

Also, I noticed over the past week especially, old energies of processes I had done seemed to be ‘floating around’ still and I wondered why, again I went with this monitoring as I go

Well, for me, this has answered all of those things in one go, after I put the pendant on!


Oh also, something else VERY HUGE is that I had difficulty grounding myself...I did not realise just how I really was not able to until I went to the festival

Now this again is so very huge! As never before have I not been able to ground myself and I knew that this was so much bigger than just me...and going to the festival actually heightened this realisation to stand out for me to be aware and acknowledge this, as this was not quite as obvious without so many people in one place - I’m still a bit astounded as to this!

Instantly and then over the next few hours I feel so grounded, more grounded than I have felt for a while actually, as in quite a few this had built up slowly slowly over two weeks that it was not quite noticeable

So I say to you, this has been very amazing for me and this has in a way, given me some of my life back, I kid you not

I will see how I go tonight in sleeping as that will be interesting to see as well

This just backs up what I felt and received in the last two weeks and now I can officially say, the Electromagnetics have increased to a level in the human that is Beyond anything I have felt before...and that I needed something more to help me to help myself due to this

I can only share what this has meant for myself and it is up to each of us to feel into what resonates for ourselves as this was a personal journey of which resonated for me. That I did all other grounding methods and more before this and still nothing quite ‘worked’ as it once did only so very recently. As this is not a be all and end all alone for grounding oneself either

I will also share that I know many are aware of this and may wear a pendant etc, yet I found that this one was a newer updated energy frequency to match the energies of where we are now

If this assists just one soul, then this has been very worth sharing for what has already been life changing for myself

As always I am right here with you

All I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from 23yrs of personal experience

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 8D to Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity

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