New Spiritual Emergence
March Ascension Update Anastacia-Blue Beyond - New Spiritual Emergence - 7th March 2018
So much overwhelm is being felt in both the Human and in Spirit, feeling shattered Multidimensionally
As we have/are breaking through - a New Spiritual Emergence
In a breaking of the old for the new to come through in the human linked to Spirit
Of feeling ‘torn to shreds’ in the human, shredding the old, through our emotions
Of having some kind of ‘wake-up’ call in some way, to help steer us off an older path and this has come in many ways for each soul
There is a lot occurring around us with others, that we feel more clearly as to how ‘different’ we are
We are shifting and changing so much with the energies of March 1st which are a game changer for us, for humanity
And so we need to know that these intense energies will continue for all of March, so we know to hang in there for this time consciously
As we not only are feeling shattered in the human, this is a Multi-dimensional shattering!
Of claiming back all of our ‘parts’ or facets that have been shattered that has flowed down through the human being
Facets of the old that we are breaking through in being shattered=feeling torn to shreds in the human, that is not only of us but this is also generational ancient wounding we are healing, not just for ourselves
In taking our Power Back in ways we didn’t know we could do
Of speaking up for ourselves in a New Way
Of a New Awakening even for those who have been ‘awake’ before now...
You are the Shift, you are the Event in all that is coming through intensely during these ‘times’
No one ‘blanket will cover all’ in what is coming through and being ‘predicted’ of what will happen as to what people are saying and sharing
It is such a personal an unique path and journey of personal ‘events’ for each of us
So what may be for one who is very awake and conscious and feeling deeply in the human may be different for one who is just starting to wake up and are only just starting to come home to themselves more
As in for those, it will be a greater awakening...where as those who have a strong link in faith and trust of the Divine are in the ‘icing on the cake’ time for themselves as they have done so much groundwork in the past
Of finding just how very much stronger we are we are able to cope better than before, in the past and the recent past Pre March
Of still feeling overwhelm in the human yet being able to shift to a higher perspective - up-and-out - once one has felt to release what we are transmuting not only for ourselves but for our generations past and for humanity as well, through us
Keep feeling to release and keep grounded or keep re-grounding as there are so many changes going on with Gaia and our Earth Star as well
Keep Shining in all you are in Faith and Trust
And please, pull back from others’ energies right now or during this ‘time’ as you really do need all of your energy for YOU right now and always and from here-on
Protect your heart of hearts!
And allow others to do or go through what they are needing to...
As this is all about YOU
As you are the Event
As always I am right here with you
All I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from 23yrs of personal experience.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 8D to Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity
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