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DOUBLE TRANSFORMATION of Dragon Fly and Butterly energies - of younger and older generational energi

March Ascension energy Update

Anastacia-Blue Beyond - DOUBLE TRANSFORMATION of Dragon Fly and Butterly energies - of younger and older generational energies - 18th March 2018

Of bringing in the light of the Dragon Fly with also breaking through/transformation of the Butterfly

The dragonfly is generally associated with the symbolic meaning of transformation. Here are common meanings for this animal totem:

Change and transformation


Joy, lightness of being

Symbol of the realm of emotions, invitation to dive deeper into your feelings

Being on the lookout for illusions and deceits, whether are external or personal

The Butterfly animal totem is primarily associated with symbolism of change and transformation:

Powerful transformation, metamorphosis in your life, personally

Moving through different life cycles

Renewal, rebirth

Lightness of being, playfulness

Elevation from earth matters, tuning into emotional or spiritual

The world of the soul, the psyche - spirit animal . Info

This Double Transformation is a process of breaking out of an old chrysalis that was literally broken through

This is especially coming through not only in adults yet greatly in children/teens who are ‘breaking down’ to break through as well

Depending on the age depends on the breaking through of what is going on for children/teens at this time in their lives

So while we as parents are going through our own breaking-down-to-break-through we are also part of and assisting in being linked, to our children/teens as well

Some are facing this now and some will later on again depending on their souls journeys

This is breaking-through old patterns of an older trajectory path that is no longer current due to the March energies coming through

So ‘things’ are heightened or elevated which is coming out in many ways with younger generations

Where (past) methods or ‘way’ of dealing with what is going on for them is NEW as well

It is shifting out of an older ‘comfort zone’ or ‘way’ of what one did or went through before, in finding a new way, as guided by the situation or circumstance/s as to what is going on for them as to how to now ‘deal with this’

With and in line with new March energies of the planet!

This too applies to us adults as well, this Double Transformation

After the Heightened/Intense Rapid Dark Night of the Soul and all else shared for March as an Ascension Time-line in Real-Time here and now in the Human as well as in Spirit

Our younger generation are also going through their own personal ‘Pandora’s box’ opening up of what they in their shorter time here in the human are going through that has been opened for them

The younger generations are also breaking through in a newer way for humanity

Yet others are still in the breaking down within, internally as the New Light has come in, in a new first wave as previously shared

So a new change is IMMINENT and REAL and IS HAPPENING in a NEW WAY

Of Double Transformation of both Dragonfly and Butterly energies

Of lots of paths crossing in double paths or roles in our connections with family and others

As we are also currently in a Transition ourselves as well!

Of bringing through New Creative energy for ourselves and it is taking our links and connections with others to help us breakthrough in a very new way with a very new Galactic energy that recently has opened up or is now available to us (for those whose souls purpose it is to do so with others’ energies)

As breaking through recently has been a traumatic of breaking through of our Chrysalis in the human like no other ‘time’ before

Elevated through going through what we are in these March ascension energies

As others will be oblivious to ‘what is going on’ and will continue on with their negative or passive/aggressive behaviours that in the past we were affected by but are no longer

As we are STRONG ENOUGH now to say and do ‘things’ that previously we did not, due to ‘keeping the peace’ - well how about the Peace and Freedom within!


~This is for you to feel and resonate to where you are at currently as to previous March Ascension Updates as well, as I continue to share in real-time in linking Spirit to Soul in the human~

As always I am right here with you

All I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from 23yrs of personal experience

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos

Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer

Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 8D to Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2018 Copyright ©

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