Ascension Update Time-Line
Anastacia-Blue Beyond - I AM DONE WITH ASCENSION - 2nd April 2018
The message of ‘I am done with Ascension’ came a few days ago and have been sitting with this since then as to what does that mean for myself as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer Wayseer (and humanity) - as we are never ‘done’ with Ascending...
As we are in a DOUBLE MAJOR TRANSITION - of both Spirit and Soul
This morning I woke up to a clear and audible calling of my name and it came from a clear pyramid...
24hours ‘radio silence’ is what has come...from everyone...
Like placing oneself in a sound proof booth...
There is just so much major major transitioning going on right now as everyone is adjusting to what they/we have been through and what they/we are currently going through
And any links or wires of energy from others need to be outside of our own personal ‘sound booths’ right now
To help with our own personal recalibration and ‘re-wiring’ of so much as we are in a DOUBLE MAJOR TRANSITION of both Spirit and Soul
The ‘old’ Ascension is over...what do I mean by that? - I mean that the older ways of ascension have altered greatly from all we have been through up to now and especially through March
Which has been very different for everyone, depending on what each person has needed to go through in their personal resurrection of both Spirit and Soul, while still alive as we have just been through a ‘near-death’ of our Spirit, which was felt in the human as such as well - as per previous update
When one goes through a ‘near-death’ experience of any kind, it is a bit of a wake-up call in many ways
It allows us to re-evaluate life and things and people in our lives and our energy interactions with others yet mainly that within ourselves - since we reached Critical Mass on March 20 actually - as that was the big ‘game-changer’ for humanity like no other...that we have not reached before in this way
In humanity reaching critical mass where: “The critical mass of enlightenment can be defined as the smallest number of awakened human beings whose collective influence can initiate a significant shift in global consciousness” - things/we need to settle and adjust to this for ourselves
And to do so, means taking some time away, some internal (yes external as well) time away from others energies
To let all play out from turning the corner of humanity reaching critical mass and for energies to have some room to ‘settle down’ a little
For each persons Pandora’s box that has been opened and also on a larger scale to continue to unravel - exposed it has been, on a global level!
For us to re-group now, in a new way
We simply cannot or unable to to continue in the new with the old basically for us, for what ever that means for you
And so we are needing to make adjustments for ourselves and to do so we really need to be in our own ‘sound proof booths’
This is more or further than be in the world but not of it...this is blending into the world and others in a new and different way
Yet before we can do this, we need to isolate our energy just for ourselves for 24hrs from others energies
Where we can be in the world (yes but not of it) or with others, where we tune out the energies of what is being said or done by others...deliberately and consciously
I will share more soon as guided...as I now take my ‘24hours’ of ‘radio silence’...in both Spirit and Soul
As always I am right here with you
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos
Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available
Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 8D to Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity
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