Anastacia-Blue Beyond Guide - IMPORTANT UPDATE AND SUMMARY - 9th April 2018
For those interested/resonating to continue to receive these unique Ascension Pioneer, Trailblazer WaySeer Energy updates...
Thankyou to all of you who have resonated to continue on with receiving the Blue Beyond Guide Energy Updates
By way of being guided and quite strongly by all of you ;-) in choosing or being guided and able to contribute to keep receiving the Divine energy and healing in helping you to help yourself in doing so
This guidance of the Divine came quite suddenly for myself as all doors closed (with a lock) for myself in taking this step up to a very new platform in doing so in Divine Faith and Trust
A Free Fall into a new frontier (a New Galactic Frontier) knowing and trusting that the Divine will provide a ‘safe place to land’ as was the message - for us all!
There have been different responses or groups of people with this...those who resonated strongly and felt and knew to be able to contribute and exchange the $11 as previously asked (more on this soon) - those who simply just did not - those who were not able to continue yet said so in such loving support - and those yet to reply...
There have been SO MANY CHANGES energetically in really what is a short amount of time, since the March energies and all the changes within March
Remembering that what you are feeling and receiving through these unique energy updates are from a WaySeer as well as a Trailblazer and Ascension Pioneer
So what you may read is YET TO COME for yourself...yet I do need to share this insight and guidance right now, in the moment of feeling and receiving this...
I am not able to hold this guidance ‘back’ so to speak...and yet so many of you feel or resonate on some level or vibration for yourselves - of the Divine within you, that you may not fully understand all of what is being shared right now but are feeling this on some level in Spirit or in Soul or both
And for that I so honour the DIVINE WITHIN YOU...
Many have asked just what will they receive in this monthly contribution...and that is a very good question...
For one, it will be the previously publicly and openly shared Blue Beyond Guide energy Ascension updates that were shared to all on facebook and then on the same named website
Where there is no regular ‘daily updates’ it comes as it comes through myself of the Divine and yes most times it is daily...sometimes it is more than once daily and up to 2-3 times daily...there is no schedule to ascension ;-)
So for that I thankyou for your Divine faith and trust as this is non linear energy updates...that have been regular for quite some years this will continue on like this - for those who have asked this
Then their is the transition, this MAJOR TRANSITION we are all in right now...where energies and where people are ‘at’ on their personal ascension, where one update is not able to cater to or cover all for each person as to what is going on uniquely for them...yet the energies that are coming through that I am transmuting as a Template for humanity are being shared for you to resonate to within yourself...and anything further again as guided is available through a 1:1 Divine Healing
So as this came very suddenly for myself there has been major transitioning from Facebook to the website and then also asking for a new contribution/exchange which I have had to organise as well
Which at the moment is all being done manually during this major transition in feeling and still bringing through energy updates with all else going on with others in my personal life as well through these changes
So thankyou for baring with me here as in I have not been able to reply personally to all that have chosen to continue on with the monthly contribution and at times I may have missed an email as I am doing all I can humanly possible right now to set this all up :-)
Thankyou for those who have re emailed me as it is very appreciated as I am and will ‘get there’ with this all as I am doing quite nicely right now
It’s a process over the next week or so where I will be providing more information on payment details soon - while continuing to receive more emails of those who choose to continue on and those who do not and those who have yet to reply
As there will be a ceasing of emails soon for those who have not replied and I am allowing as much time as I am able to before this occurs
So for those who have asked yes the updates will continue on as they were on facebook, now personally delivered to you by email
No there is no set schedule as every day for those who like to know of ‘what they will receive’ as there is no set schedule to ascension...yet as said, these are and have been constant over the years - and for those days there are none, there are other days there are more than one, so it all balances out in the ‘end’ - its about Divine Faith and Trust that any days of not receiving are days of processing, balancing and aligning and receiving to bring through to you what is or has been going on :-)
As my receiving, feeling and processing through my human vessel as a Template as to what comes to humanity firstly in Spirit and then Soul never ceases...this is my life in doing so...just know this, as many of you already do ;-)
So if in the near future if you have asked to continue to receive these unique energy updates and you then find you are not receiving them, please re email me
Please know that if you send me an email about anything about yourself and an update that I DO READ and FEEL THEM ALL...and I reply if guided and able to at that time
Thankyou so much for the unconditional love and support of myself and yourself of the Divine in that those who at this time are able to continue to receive these energy updates are stepping into their Mastership and are READY to do so...
As not all are at this time...and to those souls I do wish you so much Divine Love and Blessings in all you are and all you have gone through in still being here!!
And I truly mean not all will continue on with these updates as that is fine as we each are doing what we need to for where we ‘are at’ and so some will stay and some will go, to do what they need to for themselves and I wish you so much unconditional love and blessings in doing so...
We have now reached a New Galactic Frontier dear friends, brothers and sisters of the Divine - of which has been coming through in recent visions and a new integration of above and below with the Double Golden Dragon energies that are now here to help and support us within...of a New Galaxy and Planets opening that we have passed through, all that I have recently shared in still feeling and experiencing as to just what this means for us in the human now linked to our Spirit
Of which these energies will settle down more in the human with this...that I will continue to share about as it comes...
So for now, we in such a Major Transition of reaching a New Platform and New Galactic platform of energies and so many are now feeling quite different and are letting me know this...
As many of you are now shifting into 5D in the human and are so amazed as to how different this things are clearer and brighter and how you are able to now raise above things than previously and how excited you are lol...
Oh this is such the biggest blessing for me to read and hear about this I can tell you!!
I, you and the Divine have waited so long for this! And ‘these times’...
So for now, if you have chosen to continue to receive these energy updates and are still receiving them, and have let me know then you will receive another personal email with further payment details soon
Those of you who choose to not do so, I would appreciate you letting me know...if not, then no reply is your answer to me...
As the time is coming very soon for those who have not yet replied...where emails will please feel free to view past energy updates that will remain for those who are needing to feel into just what has, is and will be shared in the future
(Please know that in the near future partial posts may be shared on this website with the remaining update being available and on offer to those ‘interested’ or resonating to have the opportunity to also receive the remaining update upon a contribution/energy exchange)
If you feel I have missed something with you then please re-email me and let me know :-)
Thankyou so much for your patience and time with this...
As I honour you as you honour me...of the Divine in Faith and Trust always...
As always I am right here with you...
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos
Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available
Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 8D to Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity
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