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Many have asked just what will they receive in this monthly contribution...and that is a very good question...

For one, it will be the previously publicly and openly shared Blue Beyond Guide Ascension Energy updates as a Time-Line for and with humanity - that were previously shared and gifted to all on facebook and then on the same named website

Including the visions and messages that come direct from Source for humanity shortly after they arrive to or planet-humanity as a first in real-time as a template for humanity in 6-7D Human Embodiment

For those Masters stepping into their Mastership in the human as well as in Spirit

You can go back to the start of March as an idea of how frequent they are...and further back for 2years on the face book page of Blue Beyond Guide as well

Where there is no regular ‘daily updates’ it comes as it comes through myself of the Divine and yes most times it is daily...sometimes it is more than once daily and up to 2-3 times daily...there is no schedule to ascension ;-)

These are non linear energy updates...that have been regular for quite some years this will continue on like this -

We are all in a MAJOR TRANSITION - where energies and where people are ‘at’ on their personal ascension, where one update is not able to cater to or cover all for each person as to what is going on uniquely for them...yet the energies that are coming through that I am transmuting as a Template for humanity are being shared for you to resonate to within they come to humanity as a first as these are unique energy updates and anything further personally can be done through a 1:1 Divine healing as when souls are ready for this all flows beautifully and effortlessly

My loyalty to Humanity and the Divine and Gaia does not change while ever I am still here and alive...and now you have an opportunity if you are so guided and resonate to be able to personally receive these unique Energy Updates and more personally than before and what ever else will be coming in the near future as well :-)

If this is you...if you feel you are ready to feel and grow with the highest vibration on the planet in linking out Spirit to our Soul in Receiving these unique updates, then please email me at: for further details

As always I am right here with you

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos

Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer

Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer - in linking Spirit from 9D to our Soul in 6/7D Human Embodiment - in real-time experience as a template for humanity as a Rainbow Bride for and with ALL of humanity

All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2018 Copyright ©

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